Babies who start having solid foods sleep better, study finds


  Michael Perkin, of the Institute for Population Health Research and St. George's Hospital, both in London, said that the results of the new badysis suggest that "no one is going to be there." better sleep could be another advantage of early solids

The Institute for Health Research and St. George's Hospital, both located in London, said the results of the New badysis suggest that better sleep could be another benefit of early start of solids.


According to a new badysis of clinical trial data, babies who start their sleep at three months sleep better than infants exclusively badfed up to six months of age.

The World Health Organization (WHO), the American Academy of Pediatrics and other groups recommend exclusive badfeeding for the first six months of infancy, after which the solids can be introduced.

The new data comes from the study Inquiring About Tolerance (EAT), which involved 1,303 infants. could help prevent food allergies. The EAT study showed that introducing small amounts of allergenic foods in younger babies helped reduce the risk of food allergies. The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Australian Government and others have modified their infant feeding guidelines to reflect the results published in 2016.

Michael Perkin, Population Health Research Institute and St. George's Hospital, both in London, the results of the new badysis suggest that better sleep could be another early benefit of starting solids.


As reported in JAMA Pediatrics, Perkin and his colleagues compared infant sleep and quality of life of the mother in the participants in the EAT study. Infants in the early introduction group started taking solids at about 16 weeks, on average, compared to 23 weeks in the standard introduction group

In five months, babies who had started to Eating earlier slept longer than those whose mothers badfed exclusively for six months. The difference peaked at the age of six months, with the early introduction group having slept an average of nearly 17 minutes longer and persisting after the infant's first birthday. Infants who started solid foods early also woke up about nine percent less often.

The finding "most clinically important," said Dr. Perkin, was that parents of babies having started earlier

"There was an extremely strong relationship between the quality of life of the mother and infant sleep, what you anticipate, "he added. "If the baby sleeps badly, the quality of life of the mother is very clearly affected."

The findings provide solid evidence to support the long-held belief that feeding infants solid foods helps them sleep better, Dr. Jae Kim, a neonatologist from the University of California San Diego and Radey Children & Hospital of San Diego, told Reuters Health in a telephone interview. "It's a study pretty well designed to answer that question," he said.


I think it's important to try to aim for 39, exclusive badfeeding for the first six months, "he added

when frequent night awakenings of an infant cause anxiety and anxiety, parents can consult their pediatrician about exclusive badfeeding. if starting solid food would be appropriate, Dr. Kim said. But the results do not mean that parents should feel free to give solid food to infants under six months to improve their sleep, he added. The early introduction of solids could harm infants who are not ready to chew and swallow, he explained, while solid foods can also lead to early weaning, thus reducing the benefits of the baby. 39, badfeeding

. is actually a good thing for babies – although this can clearly help parents, Kim noted. He adds that babies who sleep more can consume less bad milk, he adds.

"There is a bit of polarization around this problem," he said. "It's good to have studies like this one to carve real data to help manage this problem."

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