Blessed be the fruit: "The tale of the maid" harvests 20 nods from Emmy | Culture & Leisure


If you have not yet watched the finale of this week's "The Handmaid's Tale" – no spoilers here – the creator of the show has a suggestion.

"Get some Scotch bottles first," says the executive producer. and writer Bruce Miller.

Miller and his cast and his team said "Praise Be" – figuratively, at least – on Thursday as the show garnered 20 Emmy nods, seven of last year, when the show won the award drama series. The show 's star, Elisabeth Moss, was nominated again, as were seven other actors in supporting or guest roles.

One of them – Samira Wiley – learned her nod of Emmy while she announced other nominees. The president of the Academy of Television, Hayma Washington, came out to give him the news

Wiley called the big reportage of the show "true diploma" of the previous year. And she had high praise for Moss. "Elisabeth puts everyone in a scene with a better actor," she says. "And I can speak personally about that, I do not know how she does what she does."

Miller, named writer and executive producer of the dystopian science fiction drama, noted that while many viewers have Parallel to real-world events, he tries to keep the focus on the main character of Moss, June, and his world to Gilead. to show and talk about people who are separated from their children, what it means to people around the world, "he said. "We're all drug addicts, political addicts, but I think we're really trying to think about what's going on in June and what's going on in Gilead, and making it work." [19659002ThebestguidehesaidwasthewritingofMargaretAtwood-theCanadianauthorofthe1985novelonwhichtheseriesisbased

"The reason the book lasted so long is that it's this woman and this world, and (though) not a conscious metaphor for our world, it just seems to continue to apply to our world, "said Miller. "It's Margaret's genius."

And, even though the show goes well beyond what is in the book, it says, "The world that Margaret has created is so complete and full that I do not feel I've got it. We feel that we are only going beyond the limits and the corners and dynamics of the book, so that I feel safe and guided by Margaret … I am confident that what I do, even if it is is not written on the page, is written between the lines. "

" The Handmaid's Tale "aired its second season this week – an episode with a shocking ending that crowned a season all as intense. Wiley, who plays Moira, stated that she had not yet shown herself to be watching

"Upon hearing everyone's reaction, I think it's exactly what we wanted "said the former actress. "It's a great show, there are a lot of problems, there have been a lot of problems this season for some people, but I hope this will allow us to come back next year with a big success."

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