Blood pressure recalled due to cancer risk


A drug intended to treat high blood pressure in nearly 12,500 South Africans is recalled after the active ingredient has been found to be contaminated with a potentially carcinogenic chemical.

The recall comes however almost three weeks after the drug was removed from the shelves in Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States because the ingredient manufactured in China was contaminated. The regulator, the South African Health Products Authority (SAHPRA), has not answered TimesLIVE's questions about why it took so long to recall it here.

Dynaval Co 80 / 12.5mg, Dynaval Co 160 / 12.5mg and Dynaval Co 160/25mg. They are manufactured by Pharma Dynamics based in Cape Town

Dynaval is used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, or is administered to patients who have had recent heart attacks.

But SAHPRA has warned patients that it is far more dangerous to stop taking medication for high blood pressure and risk a stroke than to continue taking it until that time. that they have bought a replacement medicine.

He stated: "The conditions of the drug, such as heart failure and high blood pressure, are serious, and patients could be injured if you suddenly stop taking it without a replacement medication. "

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