Blue Origin completes 9th successful test in West Texas


  •   A mound that would house SpaceX's launch pad is seen in this 2016 photo. SpaceX recently delivered a large tank of liquid oxygen at the site near Boca Chica Beach. Photo: Carolyn Van Houten / Carolyn Van Houten / San Antonio News Express 2016

  •   Blue Origin's new Shepard rocket is launched near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. Launch tested the highest altitude system had been fired on. Photo: Blue Origin Livestream screen capture

  •   The exhaust system of the Blue Origin crew capsule fires (bright dot), throwing the capsule away from the New Shepard rocket (point black) on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. New Shepard launched near Van Horn in West Texas in a test of the exhaust system of the crew capsule. Photo: Blue Origin Livestream screen capture

  •   Blue Origin's new Shepard rocket makes a controlled landing near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The launch tested the highest altitude. Photo: Screen capture of Blue Origin Livestream

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  •   The new Blue Origin Shepard rocket stands on the company's landing strip near Van Horn in West Texas, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, under nine minutes after the launch. The launch of the rocket tested the exhaust system of the capsule of the crew at high altitude. Photo: Screen Capture of Blue Origin Livestream
  •   This January 30, 2018 photo shows a view of SpaceX South Texas Ground Tracking Station along Highway 4 near Boca Chica Beach at 39. outside of Brownsville, Texas. SpaceX is seeking an additional $ 5 million to fund a new commercial spaceport in Texas, a large-scale project that has fallen behind in 2014 (Miguel Roberts / The Brownsville Herald via AP). Photo: Miguel Roberts, MBI / Associated Press / Copyright-2018
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Photo: Carolyn Van Houten / Carolyn Van Houten

A mound that would house SpaceX's launch pad is seen in this 2016 photo. SpaceX recently delivered a large tank of liquid oxygen at the site near Boca Chica Beach

A mound that will host the SpaceX launch pad is seen on this 2016 photo. SpaceX recently delivered a large tank of liquid oxygen at the site near the beach of Boca Chica.

Photo: Carolyn Van Houten / Carolyn Van Houten

The new Blue Origin Shepard rocket was launched near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The launch tested the highest altitude reached by the system. Escape from the crew capsule

near Van Horn, in West Texas, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The launch tested the maximum altitude at which the aircraft system would 39, evacuation by capsule of the crew had been fired.

Photo: Screen shot of Blue Origin Livestream
The exhaust system of the Blue Origin crew capsule fires (bright dot), throwing the capsule away from the New Shepard rocket (dark dot) on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. New Shepard launched near of Van Horn in West Texas in a test of the evacuation system of the crew capsule.
The exhaust system of the Blue Origin crew capsule fires (bright dot), throwing the capsule away from the New Shepard rocket (black dot) on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The new Shepard has was launched near Van Horn in western Texas … more
Photo: Screen Capture from Blue Origin Livestream

The new Shepard rocket from Blue Origin performs a controlled landing near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The launch tested the maximum altitude reached by the system. Escape from the crew capsule

performs a controlled landing near Van Horn, in West Texas, on Wednesday, July 18, 2018. The launch tested the maximum altitude at which the evacuation system of the crew capsule was fired.

Photo: Screen shot of Blue Origin Livestream
Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket stands on the company's landing strip near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, less than nine minutes after launch. The launch of the rocket tested the exhaust system of the capsule of the crew at high altitude. less
The new Shepard rocket from Blue Origin is on the landing strip of the company near Van Horn in West Texas on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, less than nine minutes after the launch. The launch of the rocket tested the capsule of the crew … more
Photo: Screenshot of Blue Origin Livestream
This 30 January 2018 photo shows a view of the SpaceX South Texas Ground tracking station along Highway 4 near Boca Chica Beach outside of Brownsville, Texas. SpaceX is seeking an additional $ 5 million to fund a new commercial spaceport in Texas, a large-scale project that has been delayed in 2014 (Miguel Roberts / The Brownsville Herald via AP) minus
30, 2018 The photo shows a view of SpaceX South Texas Tracking Station along Highway 4 near Boca Chica Beach outside of Brownsville, Texas. SpaceX is looking for $ 5 million more … more
Photo: Miguel Roberts, MBI / Associated Press

Blue Origin completes its 9th successful test in West Texas

The space rocket company Blue Origin has successfully completed its ninth test of its New Shepard rocket system Wednesday in the west of Texas

funded by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos. launched New Shepard around 10:11 am from its launch facility near Van Horn. The launch, which included a crew capsule on the New Shepard booster, was to test the crew capsule's exhaust system at the highest altitude in the history of the aircraft. 39; company. firing system at an altitude of over 290,000 feet. The evacuation system would be used during the crew flight to remove the capsule from the rocket to protect it in case of a problem with the rocket.

Blue Origin also landed the New Shepard booster at its landing pad, and the crew capsule landed in the scrub of West Texas at a distance of New Shepard.

One day, Blue Origin hopes to launch up to six people in the capsule at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere on tourist flights, allowing a period of weightlessness and views of the world. space and the planet below.

Another technology billionaire has made progress in another remote area of ​​Texas. The SpaceX space company Elon Musk has built a new launch center in Boca Chica, at the southern tip of the state.

Several reports from the Rio Grande Valley show that SpaceX recently delivered a 95,000 gallon liquid oxygen tank last week. The site of Boca Chica, which is the first space launching center ever built by the company.

The site currently hosts a pair of satellite dishes to communicate with SpaceX missions, as well as a solar panel and a battery. Other equipment was moved to the site, but SpaceX officials were not available to discuss the details.

The site of Boca Chica, near the border with Mexico, could shelter the BFR or Big Falcon Rocket. SpaceX that Musk hopes will one day take settlers to Mars.

United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin which is SpaceX's largest competitor in the space of rockets, operates a nose cone badembly facility for Atlas V rockets at Harlingen.

Rye Druzin covers energy news in the San Antonio and Bexar County area. Read it on our free website,, and on our subscriber site, | [email protected] | Twitter: @druz_journo

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