Brain Stimulation Can Reduce Aggressive Behavior: Study


For some time we have known that a region of the brain known as prefrontal cortex is related to violence, although it is not known if any particular patterns of activity in this region are, in fact, the cause of the aggression. 19659002] The prefrontal cortex of the brain has been linked to the control of aggressive behaviors.

And studies have suggested that damage to this part of the brain can make people more violent and antisocial.

whether deficits in the prefrontal cortex lead to violent behavior, or whether these problems – and behavioral problems – are caused by a third and unknown factor.

Thus, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. I was wondering if stimulating the prefrontal cortex with electrical currents could help curb the violent impulses.

"If a delinquent's brain is scanned," studies author Olivia Choy, "we do not really know if it's the brain deficit that leads to the behavior or if it's a problem. is the opposite. "

"One of the main objectives of this study was to see whether there was a causal role of these experiments, conducted on healthy adult volunteers, seem to suggest that this might actually be a solution A well-known, minimally invasive study of a secular problem

Roy Hamilton, lead author, notes, "The ability to manipulate such complex and fundamental aspects of cognition and behavior from the outside of the body has been a challenge. enormous social, ethical and perhaps some legitimate implications. "

for which they recruited 81 healthy people aged 18 and over The volunteers were randomized to receive a low-current stimulation for 30 seconds or a more intense stimulation of 20 minutes to the prefrontal cortex.

For 30 seconds, the low intensity stimulation would have no effect on brain activity, the group badigned the receiving was considered the "control" group. After brain stimulation, all participants were asked to consider two imaginary scenarios: one involving physical badaults, the other involving badual abuse.

They were asked to rate the likelihood that they would consider themselves the person who commits the violence in these scenarios, on a scale of 0 (completely unlikely) to 10 (extremely likely).

They were also asked to rate the degree of reprehensible morality

Participants who received 20-minute prefrontal cortex stimulation were less likely to consider both physical and badual violence, compared to those in the control group

. Lower percent chance of considering physical aggression and 70% lower probability of contemplating badual abuse.

Commenting on the implications of these findings, psychologist Adrian Raine, co-author of the study, explains, "It's look at violent crime from a public health perspective."

"Historically, we have not embraced this type of approach to violence," he says. "But that's promising.We only did a 20-minute session and we saw an effect.And what if we had more sessions?" And if we did it three times a week for a month? "

The researchers claim that the results of their study suggest that such an intervention – possibly in combination with other therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy – might be minimally invasive

"We are trying to find benign biological interventions that society will accept, and transcranial direct current stimulation is a minimal risk," says Raine.

"This is not a frontal lobotomy. In fact, we say the opposite, that the front part of the brain needs to be better connected to the rest of the brain. "

Still, the team acknowledges that even with such promising results, it is only the first step in a long process to determine what might be the best approach when it comes to doing so. it is to use brain stimulation as therapy for individuals predisposed to violent behavior

The study should first be reproduced, and the results consolidated, notes Choy.

"This is not the magic bullet that will erase aggression and crime," admits Raine. "But," he continues, "could transcranial direct-current stimulation to be proposed as an intervention technique for first-time delinquents, to reduce their likelihood of return to custody? "

Published in the Daily Times, July 4 th 2018.

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