Business and gaming boost PC shipments for the first time since 2012


It is important to note that there is an increase in computer shipments, not sales – even though one has an impact on the business. other, they are entirely different numbers. More than that, it is only three months, with both companies noting that the same period last year was relatively weak. Still, all the news is good news for PC makers. HP dominated the pack, recording nearly 8% increase in shipments, with Lenovo, Dell, Apple and Acer completing the rest of the top five, according to IDC.

Gartner says it will not last long, however, predicting that Gartner says people like you and me continue to impact market growth because more and more people are doing the same thing . However, IDC says that material shipments for people who demand more from their computers – the players – have increased. If you stop a moment, it's not too difficult to piece together what happened here. Last summer, cryptocurrency mining was all the rage and pushed GPU prices up, letting people who wanted to play Prey restart at the highest possible resolution. Now that crypto has fallen off the zeitgeist, it means that more people are able to offer gaming PCs.

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