Causes and Prevention for Hepatitis and Foods to Protect the Liver


Every year on July 28, the world meets to commemorate World Hepatitis Day (WDD). World Hepatitis Day 2018 is an initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness of this liver disease and to reduce the burden of hepatitis worldwide. According to their official report "Eliminate Hepatitis", "Viral hepatitis has affected 325 million people worldwide in 2015, with 257 million people living with hepatitis B and 71 million people living with hepatitis C – the two leading killers of the five types of hepatitis. But, before talking about the causes, prevention, and dietary changes for hepatitis, let's understand what is hepatitis and how it affects people. Hepatitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation in the liver. The most common hepatitis are hepatitis A, B, C and E. There is another type of hepatitis – hepatitis D – that occurs only in people already infected with the virus. Hepatitis B. People who are not already infected with hepatitis B can prevent hepatitis D by getting vaccinated against hepatitis B.

World Hepatitis Day 2018 : Causes of Hepatitis

According to Dr. Amit Gupte, gastroenterologist and hepatologist at Wockhardt Hospital (Mumbai), "viral hepatitis can be either hepatitis A / hepatitis E that spreads mainly through contaminated food and water, either hepatitis B / hepatitis C that is spread through bodily fluids, blood transfusions or even from mother to child. usually cause chronic hepatitis and may progress to cirrhosis of the liver (permanent liver injury). "" Usually, hepatitis A and E cause a spontaneously resolving disease, which resolves in a few weeks and that has no specific treatment, but which relies on a good nutritious diet and rest, while it is not a cure. Hepatitis E can sometimes be dangerous. can cause liver failure, "he adds.

World Hepatitis Day 2018: Prevention of Hepatitis

Our liver plays an important role in digestion. All we eat and drink goes through the liver and therefore we must eat properly to keep it strong and healthy. The World Health Organization is working with various countries to help them improve access to cure and prevent hepatitis. According to Dr. Gupte, "Hepatitis A and E can be prevented through food hygiene and the use of drinking water for drinking". He suggests eating freshly cooked homemade food and avoiding street food and raw food, furthermore, recommends boiling and storing your drinking water. For hepatitis B and C, "there are good oral medications, it is important to consult a doctor for prompt treatment, there are vaccines against hepatitis A and hepatitis B." He recommends a Restricted salt diet with high protein foods such as legumes, sprouts, dal, paneer, egg white, fish and chicken. In addition, it suggests avoiding baked goods, papad, pickles, potato chips, saltwater fish and red meat for people with cirrhosis of the liver.

World Day 2018: Six Foods That Can Help Protect Your Liver

1. Turmeric
Turmeric has many medicinal benefits. It is known to be one of the most powerful spices that helps maintain a healthy liver by protecting against liver damage and regenerating healthy liver cells. It helps digest fats and increases bile production. It also helps to detoxify your liver.

2. Garlic
Garlic contains certain sulfur compounds that are essential to support the liver and activate liver enzymes, which are responsible for the elimination of toxins and body waste. Garlic also contains selenium, an important mineral that helps detoxify our immune system.

3. Lemons
We all know that lemons are full of vitamin C, which helps to boost our immunity and prevent infections. Lemons also act as a powerful antioxidant, which helps fight the free radicals responsible for diseases. In addition, lemons have an alkaline effect on the body, helping to neutralize toxins and help eliminate waste.

4. Green leafy vegetables
Our liver loves bitter and green leafy vegetables such as spinach, amaranth leaves and mustard greens. These greens are stuffed with chlorophyll, which helps to purify the blood and promotes smooth liver function.

5. Nuts
Nuts are a rich source of amino acid known as arginine that promotes cleansing of the liver. Add nuts to your daily diet because they are rich in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support our liver function and help with the cleansing process.

6. Beetroot
Beets are known as great blood purifiers. They are also rich in flavonoids that help improve your overall liver functions. In addition, the fibers and nutrients found in beets help eliminate toxins that can be stored in the liver. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that is found in beetroot, which is known for its cleansing properties.

Caring for your liver and eating good food can help prevent the risk of many diseases. If you have chronic hepatitis B or C, you should consult your doctor instead of self-administering or following our own diet.

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