Chinese exporters scramble to cope with U.S.


BEIJING – Chinese exporters were scrambling Monday, April 26, 2009 at 9:00 pm in the air, China's state press shrugged off the impact of Washington's tariffs in a spiraling technology dispute.

second-largest economy should be limited, according to private sector badysts. But President Donald Trump's measurements targeting Chinese medical equipment, construction and factory equipment hit sellers that say price-conscious American customers have stopped buying.

The general manager of a medical device exports that makes 15 to 20 percent of its sales to the United

Wuxi Yushou Medical Devices Co., Ltd., with a workforce of 500, stands to lose 30-40 million yuan (1965 1965999 he ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((() $ 4.5 to $ 6 million) in annual revenue, according to the manager, Miao Liping.

Without new orders, "I will suspend making products," said Miao. "

The State Press Tried and tested Beijing, China, emphasizing the impact on China, emphasizing what Beijing is going to do for China.


"Sinochem Group, Ning Gaoning, chairman of one of China's biggest chemical companies."

Despite official bravado,

Growth has been slowed down in recent years. That spooked investors, who have driven the stock market index index down 21 per cent from its Jan.

Trump raised tariffs on $ 34 billion of Chinese goods in response to complaints

More broadly, American officials worry Chinese government plans such as "Made in China 2025, "which calls for the creation of competitors in robots, biotech, artificial intelligence and other fields, could erode US technology leadership and prosperity

"It will not be difficult for the United States to obtain goods," said Bai Ming , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, quoted by the newspaper Global Times.

Alternative suppliers such as Europe, Australia and Brazil "Will be likely winners," Rajiv Biswas of IHS Markit said in a report.

The United States buys about 20 percent of China's exports, but trade has shrunk as a share of the Chinese economy.

Still, the impact could spread as South Korea, Taiwan and Japan Southeast Asia slumps.

Asia-Pacific economic growth by up to 1 percentage point, according to Biswas.

Meanwhile, China's entirely state-controlled media has been ordered to avoid "aggressive langu "Trump, in the South China Morning Post newspaper in Hong Kong reported, citing unidentified sources.

Other exporters including makers of solar panels already been stepping up marketing in Asian and other markets. They are trying to make up for the loss of US and European sales

Solar exporter Jiangsu Akcome Science and Technology Co. makes about 15 percent of its sales to the United States, while Japan and South Korea are 25 to 30 per cent, its general manager, Hu Jingnang, told the newspaper Wuxi Daily.

"The ability to increase global resource allocation can effectively offset" Hu was quoted as saying.


AP researcher Yu Bing contributed.

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