Coffee drinkers are more likely to live longer, according to the study of half a million people


After a statement from the California State Agency that coffee poses no risk of cancer after all, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine badociated the Daily absorption to a longer life, The reports of The NPR The Salt


The study of about half a million adults in the UK shows that people who drink coffee – even up to eight or more cups a day – benefit from longevity

. According to Erikka Loftfield, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute, [traduction] NPR people who drank two to three cups a day had a risk of death about 12% lower than non-males. coffee drinkers. 19659003] Researchers looked at data from the British Biobank: a ten-year genetic study that requires blood samples and a detailed questionnaire on health and lifestyle.

In general, they found that coffee drinkers had between 10 and 15% lower mortality rate compared to abstainers. Those who drank six to seven cups of coffee a day had a 16% lower risk or death, while those who drank eight or more cups were 14% less likely to die.

All types of coffee revealed decaffeinated, instantaneous or regular (although the badociation decreased in instant coffee drinkers). And the longevity benefit applied to all coffee drinkers, including those who are genetically predisposed to metabolizing caffeine more slowly.

The study adds to a growing body of research supporting the positive impact of coffee on organs such as the heart and the liver. a decrease in the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes. In much of the research, the benefits have been identified among consumers of decaffeinated and regular coffee, suggesting that the beneficial ingredient does not occur. is not caffeine.

Packed with nutrients and compounds rich in antioxidants, it is thought to be behind the healthy effects of coffee. As nutrition researcher Walter Willett of the Harvard School of Public Health told NPR: "I think they're working together to have some of these benefits. "

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