Demonstrations took place in many cities


Photo: SM

November 26, 2018

Protests took place yesterday in nine cities in the regional state of Tigray, in northern Ethiopia. Media affiliated with the Ethiopian state reported that Adwa, Aksum, Adi Sheho, Alamata, Mehoni, Humera Sétite, Abiyu Adi and Raya had attended demonstrations calling for "respect for the constitution".

The protesters also opposed identity issues in Wolkait and Raya, saying that "identity issues are not on the agenda of the people of Wolkait and Raya" because they consider it to be part of Tiger.

On the other hand, many Ethiopian activists have understood to have criticized what they call a "crackdown on former corrupt officials."

The demonstrations took place weeks after the Ethiopian government arrested former METEC director Kinfe Dagnaw and his brother Isayas Daganaw in connection with alleged corruption.

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