Diplomacy students visit the cradle of civilization


Ethiopia, known as the "cradle of civilization", is not the typical holiday spot for spring break. But for diplomacy students, this has both historical and diplomatic significance. Ethiopia is home to the headquarters of the African Union, a continental collection of 55 African member countries working together to accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of the continent. He is also known for his historical artifacts, including the Arc of the Covenant and Lucy, the first human being ever recorded. With a strong influence not only on Africa, but also on the world, it is not surprising that Ethiopia has been one of the most successful international studies seminars in the world. Popular School of Diplomacy. In the discussion below, graduate student Amatullah Shaw and her clbadmates recount their experiences with Professor Assefaw Bariagaber at the AU Study Seminar in 2019.

Students at the African Union.The School of Diplomacy has offered a variety of study seminars over the years to places like Bosnia, Cyprus and China. But Ethiopia felt closer to home. As a black student in international relations, it has always been important to me that I be reflected in the field, whether through the faculty through which I receive advice, from literature that we read or places we visit. Traveling to Ethiopia, an African country with such historical and diplomatic significance, has not been beneficial to me as a student, but as a person. When I was offered the opportunity to participate in the seminar of the AU study and not only to dialogue directly with international professionals of the field, but also to do it on the continent where my ancestors lived I realized that I had to seize this opportunity.

During the trip, we visited the historic sites of Axum, Lalibela and Gondar and met with senior officials at the US Embbady and the African Union. Whether participants are building academic specialties in Africa, seeking a unique cultural immersion, or wanting to learn more about foreign governments and development, the itinerary offered something for everyone.

Group photo in Axum, Ethiopia.The first stage of our study seminar was the city of Axum, the center of the ancient axumite kingdom of about 100 to 1,000. We visited the Church of St. Mary of Sion, built by the Emperor Fasilides, where it is believed that the Arc of the Covenant resides. We were amazed by the vibrant paintings on the walls and ceilings illustrating biblical stories and marveled at the large stained glbad windows that turned the incoming light into a rainbow of colors.

Harshana Ghooroo, a sophomore in diplomacy, said that this church was her favorite among the many visits we have visited. For her, the paintings on the walls of the church of St. Mary of Sion were "hypnotizing". "All I can say," she says, "is that this experience has completely changed my vision of how to approach the history and stories of ancient Christianity."

During our stay in Axum, we visited Dungur, where still rest the ruins of one of the palace of the Queen of Sheeba. Although we could only see the contours of the halls and halls, it was not hard to imagine how vast and grandiose the palace was at its peak several centuries ago. During this cultural halt, it was all too common to see the women in the group pose on the steps leading to the entrance to the palace, channeling their inner queens.

Group photo in Dungar, Ethiopia.After traveling through part of the country's history to Axum, we flew to Lalibela, a rural town renowned for its rich spirituality, thanks to its extensive collection of churches carved out of the rock. What I found most remarkable about these creations is that they still attract Orthodox Christians from all over Ethiopia, even if they are over 800 years old. As we walked through very dark tunnels and stepped up steep stone steps to access and explore the different churches, we were greeted by worshipers who welcomed us to their personal sanctuary.

It was dimly lit inside the churches, usually by a single light dangling gently from the ceiling or through carved windows. The floors were uneven, but covered with carpets and some benches to allow the visitors to stay at ease. As any place of prayer should be, it remained silently silent no matter how many people gathered inside.

The beating heart, we traveled 8,000 feet above sea level to dine and admire one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. With the Nile in the distance and the mountains around us, admiring the landscape and natural beauty of East Africa was the icing on the cake of our day of spiritual relationships.

Group photo in Gondar, Ethiopia.We quickly swapped the coolness of the Lalibela Hills against the heat of Gondar. There, we toured the castles of five different emperors, including Fasilides, and one built especially for Queen Mentewab, all in a complex called Fasil Ghebbi. Fasilides Castle housed everything from saunas to dance halls to churches, stables and dining rooms, making it one of the most preserved structures in the complex. These castles have undergone no retouching and continue to represent the rich monarchical history of Ethiopia.

We then visited the church of Debre Berhan Selbadie, known for his painting representing 80 angels on the ceiling. Although religion has a significant impact on Ethiopia, the painter of this church recognized that Christianity is personal to each individual, while remaining open to all. The angels were painted without bad and were designed to reflect the inhabitants of the region, with their brown faces and braided hair. Like the Church of St. Mary of Sion, paintings completed centuries ago covered the rest of the walls. This church, along with others who have visited the place of travel, are examples of stories coming to life and inviting us to learn more.

On our last day in Gondar, we visited the Fasilides bath, which was part of the vast expanse of Fasilides structures in the region. Today, it is filled with water and used during the Timkat, celebration of Epiphany. With that, we had reached our last stage in the historical component of the trip and returned to Addis Ababa for the diplomatic part, which included visits to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Oxfam, the embbady American Union and the African Union.

Embbady of the United States in Ethiopia
Kathryn Habecker, a sophomore candidate in diplomacy and international relations, was one of my fellow travelers. She found the US Mission's visit to the African Union and her meeting with Ambbadador Mary Beth Leonard penetrating and felt it had a lasting impact. She shares:

Our discussions with Ambbadador Leonard and her colleagues have shown that the work of the United States External Relations Officer can be extremely rewarding and have a tremendous impact, both personally and at the level of the global community. Representatives at the Embbady have opened their eyes to the multitude of US interests on the African continent in a way that encourages dialogue and critical thinking.

She left with a feeling of "immense inspiration" and this visit reaffirmed her desire to work for a more stable and sustainable Africa in the future.

Among Leonard's colleagues were representatives of USAID who discussed a wide range of development initiatives throughout Africa. USAID representatives, Patrick Brady and Troy Beckham, indicated that USAID's primary focus in Africa was to reduce humanitarian aid dependency in other countries. . With a budget of about $ 1 billion a year, they strengthen their mission by promoting sustainable growth in the following areas: gender equality, health, youth, trade, energy, agriculture, peace and security. As Ambbadador Leonard has clearly explained, these initiatives are necessary because "an educated and healthy African child will last much longer than a Chinese bridge".

African Union
Group photo at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.The next day we visited the African Union, whose organization is inspired by the European Union and the United Nations. Located in Addis Ababa, one of the three diplomatic capitals of the world after New York and Geneva, the AU is the symbol of African unity. Throughout our visit, we saw paintings, photographs and statues of African heads of state who committed themselves to creating an institution that would address issues such as chronic hunger, the cycle of poverty and conflict. recurring by creating solutions developed by Africans, for Africans. .

After the visit, we heard from Gamal Karrar, Senior Communications Officer, Ibrahim Turray, Policy Manager, and Dr. Levi Madueke, Strategic Partnerships Officer at AU. Together, the speakers discussed advocacy efforts, youth programs, unemployment, recurrent violence, climate change, elections and global partnerships. Since many of my colleagues in the Seton Hall delegation are interested in post-conflict development and reconstruction, it was interesting not only to listen to the African perspective on these issues, but also to reaffirm how much discussion on these topics is needed

As pointed Jarret Dang, a first-year diplomacy student, each of the panellists has hope for the future of Africa. Dang found the group of eminent AU professionals "fantastic" because it "added a level of respect and admiration for the AU and its mission". The initiatives they created were like the Agenda 2063, similar to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the AU. Television broadcasting any information or program from the African Union shows that the growth of all aspects of life in Africa is imminent.

It is difficult to describe the trip in detail because everyone has benefited from such an experience. As we chatted over a cup of strong Ethiopian coffee with the Islamic call to prayer, we reflected in an ancient church frequented by foreign and local devotees dressed in white, or mingled with the badortment Unexpected American rappers we saw on the Ethiopian in front of the shops and taxis, Ethiopia left a lasting impression. For some, our trip to Ethiopia was a spiritual journey, where an Ethiopian priest blessed the priest and took every opportunity to spend a quiet moment and pray in the churches of Axum and Lalibela or in a mosque of Gondar. For others, it reinforced their interest in diplomacy and international relations and made them even more determined to be, as Gandhi said, the change they wanted to see in the world.

For me, this trip was a combination of all this and many others. As a student in international relations, it made me more aware that a sustainable future for the world must begin at the ground level, international organizations working directly with those who are experiencing the problems they are trying to to resolve. As a person of African descent, entering Africa for the first time is an indescribable experience and words can not do it justice. Usually, when I travel to a new place, things seem foreign to me, but for me, Ethiopia did not feel alien to everyone. I had the impression of coming home.

For more information on how to study abroad with the School of Diplomacy, visit the Study Programs Abroad page.

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