Elon Musk: SpaceX and Boring Company to help Thai boys trapped in cave


Elon Musk announced Friday morning on Twitter that its SpaceX companies and the Boring Company, which specializes in drilling, would join the rescue mission of 12 boys trapped in a cave in northern Thailand.

Companies' engineers could bring their expertise in energy storage and drilling, he says.

SpaceX & Boring Co engineers will travel to Thailand tomorrow to see if we can be useful to the government. There are probably many complexities that are difficult to appreciate without being there in person

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 6, 2018

Nine days after the young members of A Thai football team and their coach have been reported missing, they were found Monday by a British diving team inside the flooded Tham Luang Nang No cave system.

Since Friday, the boys and the coach were still stuck in the cave. Although they are apparently healthy, oxygen levels in the cave are decreasing, and it remains uncertain when they can be saved.

The Thai government confirmed Musk's tweet with a message on his Facebook page.

Elon Musk will send his team to Thailand tomorrow (July 7th) to help the cave rescue. It can provide services for locating location, pumping water or battery power.

Published by PR Thai Government on Friday, July 6, 2018

The biggest problem facing rescuers is that there are about 2.5 miles of flooded caves between the boys and the mouth of the cave. While they are currently on safe ground above flood waters, more monsoon rains are expected this weekend, and the cave system could be flooded for four months.

The Royal Thai Navy is currently examining the best way to clear the boys, since none of the boys knows how to swim and it currently takes five hours for experienced divers to make this trip because of the currents high and poor visibility. A rescuer died early Friday on an oxygen supply mission along the road to the trapped boys.

The Thai army brings water pumps to the cave. Unless the boys learn to dive, they will have to wait until the water can be pumped out of the flooded cave.
Lauren DeCicca / Stringer / Getty Images

Musk – with the rest of the world – has been following the story in recent days. Although his team is not yet in Thailand, he already suggests inserting a nylon tube and inflating it "like an inflatable castle" to create a tunnel under the water

(or set of shorter tubes for the more difficult sections) through the network of caverns and inflate with air like an inflatable castle. Should create a tunnel under the water against the roof of the cave and automatically conform to bizarre shapes like the 70cm hole

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 6 July 2018

Users Twitter had reached out to Musk 3, asking if he would send any help. He first replied: "I suspect the Thai government has this control under control, but I'm happy to help if there is a way to do it."

I suspect that the Thai government has this control, but I am happy to help if there is a way to do it

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 4, 2018

But he ends up following it, tweeting that since the Boring Company has "advanced penetrating radar"

He also added that they could send "fully charged Powerpacks", referring to the Tesla utility battery that the company also sent to Puerto Rico to fight power outages after Hurricane Maria.

A few months ago, powerpacks were in 662 locations in Puerto Rico and Electrek was reported that the batteries were powering key facilities including a hospital, a sewage treatment plant and a water pumping station.On June 3, Musk vaguely tweeted that Tesla has "about 11,000 projects going on in Puerto Rico. "But no other new n & # 39, has emerged since then.

Musk has been criticized for not having kept his promises before; For example, Tesla had production problems with its model 3 and missed several deadlines, which caused its shares to fall by 6%

But as the situation in the caves became more critical, the rescue mission in the caves badistance.

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