Embellish images with PicsArt


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/66f22467 – 103f-452a-ba9b-9503592233ee.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Images and photos can be embellished with PicsArt in many ways.
Image: PicsArt


Images and photos can be embellished with PicsArt in many ways.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/ae718800 – 1992-4288-8106-c2ac79ecf4a2.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

PicsArt really wants you to get an account. The first time, this can be ignored with the very discreet "Ignore" button, but you must at least give his e-mail address to PicsArt to be able to use the application.
Picture: dj


PicsArt really wants you to get an account. The first time, this can be ignored with the very discreet "Ignore" button, but you must at least give his e-mail address to PicsArt to be able to use the application.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/c29be154 – 39e8-4fdc-8dc9-a0da4e1b1eed.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

When you start PicsArt for the first time, you instantly get an Instagram vibe, with a stream of photos from other users. The actual image editing function hides behind the button in the middle.
Picture: dj


When you start PicsArt for the first time, you instantly get an Instagram vibe, with a stream of photos from other users. The actual image editing function hides behind the button in the middle.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/ccc3f90b – cfb0-40db-91b3-63eef6759d8f.jpeg? w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Here you can now open a photo of the smartphone memory above. In the bottom bar you have access to countless editing functions.
Picture: dj


Here you can now open a photo of the smartphone memory above. In the bottom bar you have access to countless editing functions.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/1849e110 – 08f1-48f0-94c0-cf43e3d16f86.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Therefore, only a few examples can show some features. An interesting experiment is provided by the tool "Dispersion". Thus, part of the image can be disbadembled for artistic purposes.
Picture: dj


Therefore, only a few examples can show some features. An interesting experiment is provided by the tool "Dispersion". Thus, part of the image can be disbadembled for artistic purposes.


<figure clbad = "c-image element figure lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/3ddcfa4e – 5c05-434d-8a8d-b0f96df59ba0.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

With the tool "Crop", you can cut out a part of a freely selected image and turn it into a sticker that can be superimposed on other images.
Picture: dj


With the tool "Crop", you can cut out a part of a freely selected image and turn it into a sticker that can be superimposed on other images.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/519e5c2f – e774-4f7a-87f1-ed01af03f984.jpeg? w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Under "Effects" you will find hundreds of types of effects and filters, in every conceivable style. Here are just two examples.
Picture: dj


Under "Effects" you will find hundreds of types of effects and filters, in every conceivable style. Here are just two examples.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/8ff2faa0 – 7ca5-40db-a49a-00e0ab50b7cc.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Under "Effects" -> "Colors" you will find an interesting feature called "Replace Color". You simply need to select a particular color from a photo and this one will be replaced by a different color, set by the user, throughout the image.
Picture: dj


Under "Effects" -> "Colors" you will find an interesting feature called "Replace Color". You simply need to select a particular color from a photo and this one will be replaced by a different color, set by the user, throughout the image.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/5172d6c9 – 3e5e-4451-9626-3fc065ea7cdc.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

When done, press "Next" at the top. Now, the image can be published by PicsArt, but also saved on your own device. If you choose this option, then you will be able to easily publish the image on other platforms at the next step.
Picture: dj


When done, press "Next" at the top. Now, the image can be published by PicsArt, but also saved on your own device. If you choose this option, then you will be able to easily publish the image on other platforms at the next step.


<figure clbad = "figure element c-image lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2019/1/29/76c794ac – 23e6-466f-ab43-c09fe3d26aa0.jpeg? W = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Embellish images with PicsArt

Take a look at the PicsArt camera area, where videos can be saved in "scenes" or filtered with filters. Here, we really remember Snapchat.
Picture: dj


Take a look at the PicsArt camera area, where videos can be saved in "scenes" or filtered with filters. Here, we really remember Snapchat.


PicsArt is a complete image editing program and a competitor on Instagram. Does this combination work?

The image editing programs for smartphones are like sand on the sea. PicsArt is an already established application. Already since 2011, it is available for Android, since 2013 also for iOS. Currently, PicsArt is enjoying a resurgence of popularity, for example, it has temporarily landed in the German iOS charts in first place.

The application has evolved continuously since its launch and now includes many elements of Instagram and Snapchat. At the same time, PicsArt is also an Instagram social network, in which users can share their own creations and, as a single feature, easily edit those of others.

Thousands of different features

In terms of image processing, PicsArt shines above all with a wealth of tools and effects allowing you to edit and beautify your photos. Thousands of different features are addressed to the manufacturers – which is valid for many applications, but of course an absolute overdose. So, if you just want to crop or brighten a photo, use the image editing features provided by iOS or Android instead.

For more demanding tasks (for which you would use a lot of Adobe Photoshop or similar software on your computer), or for people who have a creative need, but PicsArt a lot. An introduction to the application and a small selection of interesting features shows the gallery above. The basic version of PicsArt is free, additional filters and effects are available via an in-app purchase or a monthly subscription.

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