Ethiopia: Human Resource Development – A Key Element for Ethiopia's Aspirations


Human resources capital plays multiple roles in the socio-economic growth of a country by generating a well-equipped human strength and accelerating an economy.

In particular, the finite nature of the earth's natural resources limits economic growth and environmental costs. In some cases, human resources represent an infinite resource to feed, develop and manage the economy of a country. This mentality or thought takes more and more the center of contemporary economic theory (thought of development). Now, the consensus is that human resource training is one of the essential causes of economic development.

Ethiopia saw the writings on the wall. The country has invested heavily in the education and health sector with the aim not only of providing the human resources needed to take the economy to the next level and lift the country out of poverty, but also to deal with poverty.

In case of recent signing of a memorandum of understanding between the country's pioneering public enterprise involved in capacity building and management development, and Crown Agents, a development organization UK-based international, The Ethiopian Herald has approached experts in the field of human resource development to discuss the state of the country's workforce and how it will cope with the ever-changing needs increasing levels of skilled human capital.

According to Fantu Molla, the professional skills of his staff and his management are a key issue for a developing country like Ethiopia. Clearly, he added, the development of his human capital will help the country achieve the national goals it has set and accelerate the change we are currently seeing.

But there is also another dimension to this. Fantu says that Ethiopia can not stay isolated in the global world we live in today. The amount of world trade, trade between countries is at all times high. And in this increasingly global and interdependent world economy, the capital of human resources, or in other words, the knowledge and skills of the workforce, will be the main competitive arms of the countries. . It is therefore crucial to strengthen its human capital for a developing country such as Ethiopia so that the country is competitive and prosperous in this competitive and globalized world.

Moreover, because of the global era of an increasingly interdependent global economy, as far as Fantu is concerned, Ethiopia is spearheading the development process. regional integration of its neighboring countries, by initiating and undertaking various interconnected infrastructure projects. So, given its importance to the country, having the capital of human resources capable of overseeing and managing this delicate and important business is essential.

Fantu suggests working with progressive and experienced international organizations / reputable as Crown Agents so the country's human resources are sufficiently capable of leading the country through these very dynamic global realities and helping it achieve the goals regional integration of the country.

The other thing is to navigate the rough waters of the complex. Mondial economy. Ethiopia recently decided to privatize its state-owned companies by selling minority shares, while announcing that it would begin crude oil production, with prospects for commercial production. This means that Ethiopia will have to navigate these troubled waters because it means negotiating with international companies and navigating through the international financial system. Thus, Ethiopia needs to develop its own capacity for manpower and management in large numbers and build the institutional capacity to conduct and manage these delicate transactions.

In this regard, Fergus Drake, Executive Director of the Crown Agents, said that all the skills, abilities, vision, drive and resources here in Ethiopia to be in charge of its prosperity and its own future; but by doing partnership work in human resource development, where organizations can help provide small amounts of catalytic technical badistance, and little experience, the country can also win.

As managing director of the pioneering center of development The Institute of Management (EMI), Mengistu Yitbarek, believes that there must be a response to the dynamic change of the national governance environment and global. Thus, since strengthening the management capacity of the Ethiopian civil service contributes to the country's development, new interventions and approaches with new skills and capacities are essential.

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