Ethiopia: Political Dialogue, Strengthening Institutional Priorities to Support Reform – Political Parties


Addis Ababa – Leaders of different political parties have emphasized the need for inclusive political dialogue and the establishment of strong democratic institutions to deepen and support the ongoing reform in Ethiopia.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed revealed that he was ready to meet with leaders of opposition parties registered in Ethiopia and parties recently returned from exile on Tuesday.

Discussions would focus on the ongoing process of reform and democratization in the country, it said.

In addition, the discussion will highlight the electoral reforms to be taken into account in order for the next national elections to be democratic, free and fair.

Professor Beyene Petros, president of the Ethiopian Social Democratic Party, told ENA that the current reform and the bold initiative of the government to broaden the political space were appreciable.

"We support and welcome the reforms as excellent and we will cooperate to intensify our efforts to secure the desired results through meaningful discussions and consultations," said Beyene.

The political platform of the country raises optimism among all political parties, he said, adding that "the electoral council chaired by the new president should undertake reforms in depth, such as the ability to its human capital ".

According to him, the government must create a platform for a collaborative and inclusive political dialogue to bring about inclusive and sustainable change in the country.

Arena party president Abreha Desta badured that his party would play its part in achieving the desired results, as the party in power, the EPRDF party, can not alone maintain peace and security in the country.

Ethiopia needs to establish neutral and independent institutions to ensure equality, Abreha said, adding that "to support the democratization process, the government and opposition parties must continue the discussions in a persistent manner".

"Although the appointment of Burtikan Mideksa to the presidency of the electoral council is a very good opportunity for the government and the opposition parties, it represents a huge burden and requires considerable efforts on his part to revise the electoral council." , he said.

Oromo Federal Congress vice president, Gebru Gebremariam, said his party was ready to support the government's initiative to institutionalize the ongoing reform aimed at "institutionalizing the reform will raise confidence and trustworthiness. public".

Urging political parties to give real support to the right and criticize the bad parts of the reform, he stressed the need to strengthen tolerance and reach consensus on various issues among all political parties.

"The government should create bilateral and multilateral platforms for opposition parties to discuss, negotiate and establish a genuine democracy," Gebru said.

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