Ethiopia: political reforms Vis-à-vis rule of law


By Mengisteab Teshome

The release of thousands of prisoners, including members of rival parties, political figures and journalists, as well as the recent abolition of some political organizations from the country's terrorist list, are part of integral to law enforcement In addition to speeding up the process of reconciliation and building national consensus, the researchers make a comment.

More recently, several armed political organizations publicly announced that they had abandoned the armed struggle and expressed their willingness to pursue a given political ideology in the country.

Having accepted the call for peace, Brigadier General Kemal Gelchu, President of the Oromo Democratic Front (ODF), Brigadier General Hailu Gonfa of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), one Elected political ambbadadors Derg Kbada Kebede and others have recently returned home.

For the Bahir Dar Law School of P Assistant School Professor Misganaw Gashaw, now Ethiopia is in full political hour where the real positions of political parties are not well framed and shaped . "In my opinion, our nation deserves strong and strong political parties that could balance and defend the values ​​of democracy and humanity at this particular stage."

He also notes that the NEB is impartial, revisits and reframing certain rules and regulations related to voter turnout is a necessity to embrace all competing political parties.

As for him, it is encouraging to know the incessant efforts of the incumbent president to broaden the political landscape, but they should be framed the described procedures that could allow the institutions charged with overseeing the procedural approaches and the application before that these competing parties do not resume their political activities in the respective communities.

In addition, civic societies and political parties must now clarify their positions. He added that the political, economic and societal efforts of this country are coming.

Appreciation Dr. Demeke Achiso, professor of political science at the ADDIS ABABA University, also said: "We are currently witnessing rapid changes in the political situation. No one could be certain to predict the future of our country's politics. Indeed, before making a prediction, we must know in detail the policies of the parties and the parties involved, then after, it would be fair to comment. "

According to him, in a democratic and federal development.The state like Ethiopia, the application of justice and the rule of law among all sectors of power of the United States. State is crucial for the survival of the political system.

The ruling party, the EPRDF is also responsible for the implementation and implementation of "We must make sure that no one is at above the law, it's the call of the day. "

Nearly three-quarters of a century ago, the human community proclaimed a revolutionary vision of the future The Universal Declaration of Human Rights the man claims that every person on the planet has certain fundamental rights and that all points of view must be surrounded by human values, he says

s emphasize that the holder should resume the dialogue and expand the political space of each political party with a view to ensuring equitable participation and Democratic National Affairs.

All peace and reconciliation efforts must be exercised without relegating the importance of the law by propagating development and facilitating stability, for this purpose incumbent political parties and competitors must bear the burden of Bring peace and sustainable development with all programs and policies to all citizens

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