Ethiopia: The Part-Time Pastor's Moment Jesus Heads South After Dead Man's Death


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A man who calls himself a prophet tries to wake a man from the dead.

Melissa Britz

A health worker who managed to convince a family that he could resurrect one of his relatives is in hot water after his arrest, according to the BBC.

Getayawkal Ayele came to the village of Galilee Region of Oromia in Ethiopia to preach on the biblical story of Jesus Christ calling Lazarus from his grave. The deceased's family – Belay Biftu – agreed to have his body dug up for the Prophet to do his "work".

After climbing into the grave and screaming to death without result, Ayele then asked "

The family members of the deceased, who were now angry and angry, attacked the" holy man ".

Ayele had to be saved by the police, who immediately accused him of having abused a corpse.

He remains in custody

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