Ethiopia: Untapped Roles of Elders in the Nation's Advancement


By Seid Mehammed

Seniors play a vital role in the socio-economic and political development of a nation. The most important is to transfer their knowledge and tacit experiences to the next generation.

The director of communication of the Addis Ababa Office of Labor and Social Affairs, Gebrekidan Gebru, said the elders played an unqualified role. fully exercise their natural and democratic rights. They made the brave story as the next generation. Currently, elders share their tacit knowledge and life experience, pbading it on to the generation.

For example, he is developing a new mobilization platform to transform the untapped resources of the elders for the new generation and is playing a vital role. He added that seniors should also consult young people by sharing their life experiences with others. how to safeguard the sovereign and peaceful country. And they must also make sure that young people ask for their demands peacefully and legally without doing any illegal act on people and property. This allows stable economic growth.

Seniors have direct and indirect roles in the country's economic and social affairs. For example, there are many seniors who work at the level of employment in different private sectors as part time work and some are engaged in their own business. However, the principle does not allow all seniors to form small businesses, but only those under the age of 59. To solve such challenges, the badociations and organizations concerned are working on it, he noted.

Once again, elders have a vital role to play in strengthening society's participation in development.

In addition, the government is facilitating a conducive atmosphere for seniors to play a vital role in building good governance in all areas. They work in an organized manner, providing the problem of society around table discussions and addressing appropriate solutions. The federal government is doing its best to support and empower seniors so that they can transform their knowledge and in-depth experiences for the country's development, he adds.

On the other hand, he said, seniors could transfer their knowledge. a formal or informal way for young people. On the other hand, youth can create a platform or room by inviting seniors to share their life experiences. The office also creates platforms using different mbad media for seniors and youth to share their experiences.

Similarly, the safety net program is aimed primarily at supporting seniors directly and indirectly. Support seniors to create jobs and generate income for them. And this program is being implemented in 35 local districts and should be improved.

In summary, the participation of seniors in social, economic and political aspects as well as their improvement requires the involvement of all participants in addition to government

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