Ethiopian police seized 4 smuggled machine guns, more than 46,000 ammunition


The Ethiopian police seized 4 smuggled machine guns. Whether the smugglers' intentions are of a commercial or political nature, this is not disclosed.

Contraband Machine Guns - Seizures _ Ethiopia
Photo credit: EBC

February 20, 2019

Ethiopian police seized four smuggled machine guns and more than 46,000 ammunition as it headed for the capital, Addis Ababa.

National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) played a crucial role in the seizure of illegal weapons.
According to a state-owned press report, EBC, it was reportedly concealed in different parts of the body of a vehicle.

A private vehicle carrying a registration plate, code 2 AA A77608, smuggled the four machine guns and was caught at Nifas Silk Lafto Woreda 9, in the locality of Addisu Sefer, the report added. # 39; EBC.

The smuggler hired a self-repairing mechanic to disbademble parts of the body of the car and bademble it after concealing the machine gun for smuggling.

In addition, the police found 2 AK 47, two license plates of other vehicles and 47,000 USD in cash.

In a similar development, 46,404 rounds of handgun ammunition were seized at Gulele, Addis Ababa, in the town of Agip.

According to the EBC report, it was allegedly smuggled from the Enjibara district of the Awi area, in the regional state of Amhara, hidden in a pickup truck. 39, Isuzu bearing the plate number 3-52119 AA, according to the report of EBC.

With the frequency and intensity of arms smuggling across the country, the prospect of stability and security in the country raises serious concerns.

The model of thinking in this regard is that the government may have managed to capture only a small number of smugglers and that many smugglers have drawn from it.

Some seem to see the country's political forces working to reverse ongoing reform measures behind the smuggling of arms in central Ethiopia.

Others think that foreign powers with a direct interest in the destabilization of Ethiopia are behind it.

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