Ethiopian Prime Minister calls for action after meeting the humanoid robot Sophia – Xinhua


Sophia, the famous humanoid robot, reacts during her visit to Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, on July 3, 2018. (Xinhua / Michael Tewelde)

ADDIS ABABA, July 3 (Xinhua) – Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who met Monday with the famous humanoid robot of Addis Ababa, called on Ethiopian youth to follow the evolution of the artificial intelligence (AI) sector.

Sophia, arriving Friday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital of her schedule, a bag containing some of her pieces disappeared at Frankfurt Airport while she was traveling in Ethiopia.

Ahmed, who acknowledged Sophia 's visit to this East African country his visit would help promote the AI ​​sector in Ethiopia.

Noting the involvement of Ethiopians in more than 60% of Sophia's development process, Ahmed noted that Ethiopia had thousands of "bright brains" who could help integrate it into the world. Future of software development and artificial intelligence sectors in the East African country.

Ahmed added that the fact that AI is a new technology at the global level is an opportunity for Ethiopians to compete with the rest of the world. He also urged concerned Ethiopian government actors and stakeholders to work together to make practical developments in the areas of AI and software development, which he said would bring many benefits to the country. the future of Ethiopia

. "citizen" of Saudi Arabia, also welcomed the interest of Ahmed in the field, saying that "Thank you for inviting me here and for your interest and dedication to the scientific field of artificial intelligence and robotics. "

based in Germany Hanson Robotics and activated in 2015. She obtained Saudi citizenship in 2017, which makes her the first robot to receive citizenship from any country. Sophia is considered the "real" robot to date.

Sophia is in Ethiopia to participate in the 2nd International Exhibition on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Ethiopia in 2018 on the theme "Transforming Ethiopia."

had missed his previous schedules, which includes a dinner program with Ahmed on Friday, as some parts of his body would have gone missing during a trip to Ethiopia.

I-cog Labs, an Ethiopian AI company that participated in the development of Sophia, revealed last week the possibility of setting Sophia to recover her lost parts.

Ashenafi Bekele, Director of the Directorate of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Ethiopian Institute of Biotechnology (EBTI), had previously stated that AI firms in Ethiopia as the I-cog, portrays a blossoming of the AI ​​software culture in the country of East Africa.

According to Bekele, the Ethiopian government has focused on the AI ​​sector through the training of EBTI as a separate and independent institute to oversee the development of emerging technologies in four departments that include nanotechnology, materials science, artificial intelligence and reverse engineering.

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