Ethiopian security forces arrest 15 people suspected of murder in Oromia


Oromia-Ethiopia "src =" "style =" float: left; height: 236px; margin: 4px; December 24, 2018 ( - Ethiopian security forces arrested 15 people suspected of badbadinations in the state of Oromia, according to a report by the FBC.</p>
<p>According to the report, the suspects murdered civilians, government officials and members of the security forces.</p>
<p>The individuals in question were operating under a group called "Abaa Torbee" and are linked to out-of-law armed forces operating in the western part of Oromia, according to the state's communications bureau. ; Oromia.</p>
<p>The group was arrested by security agents from the National Security and Intelligence Service (NISS) in Addis Ababa, where they came to commit murders, according to the government.</p>
<p>The group .</p>
<p>Detained suspects include Gadisa Negasa Chala, Merga Tefera Bulchu and Anisa Getachew. They are accused of coordinating the killing of civilians in the Dembidolo, Nekempt and North Shoa areas. Various guns, hand grenades and weapons were also seized, the office said.</p>
<p>Ethiopia is currently experiencing a breakdown of law and order in some parts of the country, including Oromia, where the security of citizens and property rights are not guaranteed. On several occasions, armed militiamen illegally seized people and property. Representatives of an Indian company were arrested last November in their complex for not having paid their employees on time. A national leader of Dangote Cement was shot dead in May this year by unknown badailants.</p>
<p>Recently, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) reported that its forces were fighting Ethiopian national defense forces in the western part of Oromia. The OLF was to be disarmed soon after entering the country to conduct peaceful political activities. However, it remains armed and operates in the regional state of Oromia to this day. The OLF claims that the central government has not honored its share of the agreement and that it is not negotiating with OLF in good faith.</p>
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