In today's 21st century, we are currently witnessing senseless cruelty and in its worst form and form. This act of cruelty based simply on xenophobia by a few individuals and groups guided and ordered by mercenaries and the likes of our innocents. This recent barbaric and inhuman act is simply malicious and regrettable. This should not happen to any other Ethiopian brothers and sisters.
We Ethiopians lived together, shared and consoled each other in good and bad times. That is and it should be our culture and our tradition while what is happening now? I hope that such an inhuman and savage act will not happen anywhere again and that people will learn a lesson or two from this act of savagery. Does this remind us of the harmless homicide that occurred a few years ago in Rwanda? Never again!
Here, it is important to note that the Ethiopians stand in unison to condemn the act of senseless brutality that took place in different parts of our nation because of the origin, of language and other useless origins. lived together as brothers and sisters in peace and harmony for generations. The same thing happened with the intermarriage between and among the Ethiopians. We know each other and we are brothers and sisters and we help each other in the good and bad times since time immemorial. We have protected and preserved the freedom, safety, security and territorial integrity of Ethiopia by fighting the internal and external enemies of our nation as brothers and sisters from time immemorial.
Ethiopians fought aristocratic and dictatorial regimes side by side. Ethiopia produced valiant freedom fighters who opposed the former military dictatorship in order to liberate the nation from dictatorial military rule and bring peace, security, prosperity and democracy to our people.
culture, tradition, lifestyle and physical and psychological makeup. For example, one can not differentiate a person from Wollega from that of Mekelle
Most Ethiopians speak or understand Amharic. An excellent testimony of these are students of Gonder who study in different universities of Tigray. They live and study in Tigray speaking their Amharic birth language and even speak the local language Tigrigna. They live and study at Tigray without any problem, anything.
In fact, the locals give them more respect and hospitality than their own residents. At a meeting in Mekelle with a student Gonder student at Mekkele University, I learned from him that he was not ready to return to Gonder after his diploma because he liked the city and the people of Mekelle and he considered Mekelle as his birthplace.
He added that he would stay there at least until his girlfriend (who happened to be Tigrian) graduated in the next two years. This kind of relationship is what happens in the rest of the regions of our nation and is what is expected of all the nations, nationalities and peoples of our nation in our 21st century era.
This relationship between and among our people is what we inherited from our ancestors and this noble relationship is what we must convey to the next generation and not the violence, conflict and fighting between us. Conflict and war, illegal and violent activities as a means of achieving individual, collective or institutional goals and objectives will always have adverse consequences for the peace and development of any nation as they cause damage, destruction and destruction. an underdevelopment extremely regrettable.
Ethiopians are saddened by the recent regrettable incident that has occurred in different parts of our nation. We observe some individuals and groups who burn public transport and kill people of different origins and destroy hotels, especially those belonging to people of different origins who become a major cause of loss. in human lives and destruction of invaluable materials. Since there are Tigers to Gonder, there are and there should be Tigray Gonderes and since there are Tigers in Wollega, there should be Oromos in Mekelle or elsewhere in the country because that is also their country. There are millions of Ethiopians from every tribe, race, religion etc. everywhere in different places in Ethiopia and they live side by side with their Ethiopian brothers and sisters of different languages, religions, cultures and traditions for centuries. Few negative people want to deny them of these valuable values and standards that they have shared together for centuries. What these wicked do not know or do not want to know, however, here in Ethiopia, there is a tradition where all people live by understanding each other's language, culture, religion and tradition. However, these bad people are full of hate and are racists, bigots and ethnocentrists; therefore, they do not possess peace internally and consequently; they are dominated by fear, hatred, mischief, grief and many other unjust characters. These negative acts revolve around them and they become internally and mentally ill. Moreover, as they are not peaceful outside, they are less tolerant and have developed aggressive behavior and an aggressive act such as verbal and physical violence. As a result, they become not only major instigators for both human and material damage and destruction, but they also become causes of instability, anarchy and anarchy. Therefore, all Ethiopians must be very careful not to be badociated with such sick people. Instead, they should focus and work hard to fight poverty, eliminate conflicts and wars, ensure prosperity and above all preserve and maintain peace in a country.
While it is very clear that peace can also dodge if people do not pay attention and they become too reluctant. Peace, as precious as it may be, can easily be disturbed by haters of peace, like the ones we are currently seeing, and the result could be catastrophic and dangerous. It is therefore important that people give all their value and importance to peace because, without peace, nothing can be accomplished. In addition, no matter how long they take, these fundamental phenomena of a civilized society will help to reduce differences, strengthen healthy relations and cooperation among citizens and, above all, reduce damage and distractions and enhance mutual respect. 19659014] var FBIsLoaded = false;
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