Fashion victims are not ready to carry a trade war


Currently, clothing and footwear are not included in the list of Chinese products threatened with sanctions by the United States. But as my colleague David Fickling Navarro seeks to quell investors' concerns about his trade policy

Apparel accounts for about $ 35 billion in annual exports from China to the states United States and shoes. Dylan Chu, Consumer Discretionary Analyst, CLSA Ltd.

No Easy Substitute

China is the leader in clothing exports

Source: World Trade Organization via Bloomberg Intelligence

The manufacturing industry outside China has grown to over the past five to ten years, partly because of rising wage costs in the country.

Bangladesh took a share, partly thanks to the zero tariff access to Europe for its textiles, just like Vietnam. Other potential sources of supply include Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. Africa is also developing its manufacturing base, particularly in Ethiopia, Kenya and the northern hemisphere.

But China still accounted for 36.4% of global clothing exports in 2017, according to the World Trade Organization.

Potential US retailers who source directly from factories or suppliers who source on their behalf could transfer more manufacturing to centers outside of China. Indeed, many have already done so to offset the higher labor costs.

There is a limit to the effectiveness of this strategy. For starters, there may not be enough capacity elsewhere to meet all the extra demand.

There is another reason why relocating China is a headache: the speed

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