First baby born with the uterus transplanted from a deceased donor – Xinhua


LONDON, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) – A Brazilian woman with uterine infertility gave birth to a healthy girl who used the transplanted uterus of a deceased donor, becoming the first case of its kind in the world. according to a recent study.

"The findings establish a proof of concept for the treatment of uterine infertility by transplantation of a deceased donor, thus paving the way for a healthy pregnancy for all women with uterine infertility, without require living donor or live donor operation, "said Brazilian researchers study published Tuesday in the medical journal The Lancet.

The baby girl delivered by caesarean section in a hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in December 2017, while her mother was nearly 36 weeks pregnant, the study revealed.

The baby, weighing 2,550 grams at birth, remains healthy and normally develops 7 months after birth. The mother, whose uterus was removed during the same surgery, is also healthy, the study added.

According to the researchers, uterine transplantation was performed in September 2016, while the woman with a conbad uterine absence was 32 years old. The donor was a 45-year-old woman who had three children at the time of birth and who had died of a stroke.

Before the new breakthrough, live donor uteri transplantation has been successful in a few cases.

In December 2017, doctors at Baylor University Medical Center in Texas announced that the first American baby was born to a mother who had received a live donor uterus transplant.

Organ transplantation is one of the most complex procedures in medicine because it can fail due to many risks such as infection, transplant rejection and other serious complications, including death.

Meanwhile, the shortage of organs, the viability of organs due to a lack of blood and oxygen during storage and transportation, as well as moral and ethical issues also pose problems for the procedure.

In addition to saving the lives of patients whose vital organs are failing, scientists have also performed hand or facial transplants in recent years to improve a person's quality of life.

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