For Runners, Spectators, 41st Boilermaker Still Alright – News – Times Telegram


UTICA – From the start of the icy season at the end of the sunny day, to friendly cheers to applause, the 41st edition of the Boilermaker Road Race was safe, tempered and most importantly another successful celebration of the race.

District, where volunteers such as Boilermaker's security team were making final preparations for the race that allowed more than 15,000 people to participate.

From the beginning of the race on Culver Avenue in East Utica until the finish line on Court Street in West Utica, the Chaudronniers Road was filled with people. Some waved placards on friends and family, while others shook free bells to greet runners up to the finish line.

What seemed to help this year was a temperature of 57 degrees at the start of the 5 km race. temperature after a week of high humidity and near three-digit heat.

Alyssa DiBrango, a 5K graduate, crossed the sweaty finish line with both thumbs up. It was her fourth Boilermaker, and it's a race that she said "never disappoints."

The hardest for her? "I really spoke in my head and said," No one else can do it, except you, you alone can do it by yourself, "DiBrango said. about pushing oneself in these areas.

(The story continues under the audio clip)

The wheelchair race followed the 5km, followed by the 15km. The fastest male runner was Gabriel Geay of Tanzania with a time of 43 minutes and 40 seconds, while the winner, Mary Wacera of Kenya, ran a 50:01.

sneaking between the mbad of 15K runners past the 1 hour 25 minute mark was a man pushing a three – wheeled race car across the finish line. Transpending, panting, catching a bottle of water from his wife waiting on arrival, Michael Sanchez had just run 15 kilometers with his son Finley.

"(Finley) suffers from conbad muscular dystrophy," said Ashley Sanchez, Finley's mother. "Since we knew it, we ran races."

The Sanchez family participates in numerous annual races to raise funds for Cure CMD, an organization that studies and attempts to cure conbad muscular dystrophy

This year was the first year Michael and Finley ran the race together

. Michael Sanchez said that the last stretch – the rattling cow bells, thick rows of people flanking the finish – was worth it

"It's a lot nicer because the crowd was unbelievable, "he said. "Everybody told us a good job, and Finley … he really liked it."

Contact journalist Joseph Labernik at 315-792-4995 or follow him on Twitter (@OD_Labernik).

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