Fractional relations between INM and ex-president laid bare


  Ex-President Leslie Buckley at the MNI Annual General Meeting in March. Photo: Steve Humphreys
Former President Leslie Buckley at the MNI Annual General Meeting in March. Photo: Steve Humphreys

  Shane Phelan

  • Challenging relationships between the MNI and the ex-president laid bare

    Independent News & Media (INM) said to his former president that he had the intention to sue him for the cost of defending an application from the High Court by the corporate oversight body. /incoming/article37112610.ece/b1a8f/AUTOCROP/h342/14%20NEWS%20PL35878771Leslie%20Buckley%20p.jpg

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Independent News and Media (INM) told his former president that he has the intention to sue him for the cost of defending an application from the High Court by the watchdog companies.

This decision adds to an action brought against Leslie Buckley in May to claim damages for alleged breach of duty and misrepresentation.

million. Buckley is at the center of several cases reviewed by the Corporate Enforcement Director's Office (ODCE) The recent correspondence between INM lawyers and Mr. Buckley's lawyers reveals just how much the relationship between the media group and his former president, who left office last March, became shattering

. a letter, McCann Fitzgerald, MNI attorneys, accused Mr. Buckley of not being open about documents brought to light by ODCE regarding a suspected major data breach.

He stated that Mr. Buckley had "every opportunity" to explain the case. but Mr. Buckley's lawyers, A & L Goodbody, stated that he was "very open" and that he had responded honestly to all the questions put to him.

They also claimed that the INM was pursuing a "malicious agenda"

The letters were presented to the High Court at this week's hearing to decide whether inspectors would be appointed

. The tapes were delivered to a third-party service provider in 2014 on the instructions of Mr. Buckley.

He claims that this was part of a "cost reduction exercise" where he was looking for information about a legal services contract.

However, the evidence gathered by ODCE casts doubt on this explanation and suggests a list of names. those of INM journalists, lawyers, and former executives were used to search the data

NJI lawyers characterized the individuals on the list of persons who acted one way or another against Denis O. Brien, of the INM.

The ODCE material also showed many contacts between Mr. Buckley and security advisor John Henry, who was described in court as having conducted "data interrogation".

In a letter to the MNI on July 9, Mr. Buckley's lawyers stated that he had "no involvement or knowledge of any other exercise in the one relating to the contract.

The letter accused INM of selective leaks. He said Buckley's "scapegoat" was extremely damaging and distressing for him, his family, as well as his charity, Haven, and those he serves.

The letter also requested an apology from the MNI. [19659005] Responding the next day, INM lawyers stated that there had been no leaks and that they saw no basis for the badertion that Mr. Buckley was targeted by a scapegoat.

They said that the question of apology did not arise

your client was not opened remotely with INM regarding all the material on which the ODCE s' is supported in its application, "said the letter.

He added that it was clear from the documents of Mr. Buckley's regular contact with Mr. Henry seeking and obtaining updates on data searches long after the data exercise was supposed to have been concluded.

He indicated that Mr. Buckley had not provided any explanation in this regard.

contradicted by the material and an explanation was required of him, the letter said.

Irish Independent

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