Giving the gift of life by becoming an organ donor


BECOMING an organ donor, it's really giving the gift of life. Just ask Andrew Dunn of Port Macquarie

M. Dunn was shocked by the news that he had kidney disease. He was dialysed for six months before his wife was approved as a living donor.

The successful transplant took place in November 2016 and Dunn uses his story alongside Port Macquarie's Kerri Argant to encourage more donors to register. 19659002] DonateLife Week runs from July 29 to August 5, with Australians invited to join the Australian Register of Organs Online and discuss their donation decision with their loved ones.

"My wife and I talked about it before were registered as donors," said Dunn.

"I was on the waiting list and I was very lucky to receive a living donor, but I believe that the waiting list is six and a half years old. for a new kidney.

People need to know that you can save a lot of lives by being a donor of organs.

Andrew Dunn

"The whole experience was really special, people need to know that you can save so many lives by being an organ donor."

Mrs. Silver is born from A family of donors, lost his son 10 years ago and his nephew two months ago

"When we lost my son, we were asked to be donors of 39, organs and through this process, my family and I have received a lot of education, "she said.

" When my nephew was hurting He was injured two months ago, his family was able to make sure he was a donor.

"They have since heard that five lives have been saved because of this, including a double lung transplant." 19659002 "C & # 39; was a very positive experience at the end of what was otherwise a very sad experience. "

  Joined: Journalist Matt Attard is registered as a donor after experiencing the power of the stories of Kerri and Andrew.

Inscription: Journalist Matt Attard is listed as a donor after having known the power of the stories of Kerri and Andrew

Mrs. Silver encouraged people to get informed Dissipate the myth and inform yourself to make sure you make a comfortable decision about donating organs. [19659002] "Most people who do not want to be organ donors have listened to the myths and have not done proper research, they do not understand the power of the gift itself," she said. "Anne Judd, a nurse specializing in organ and tissue donation to the health district, said that nearly 1,400 Australians were waiting for a transplant and that we needed to optimize each donation opportunity. to save more lives

by registering for to become a donor of organs and tissues, "she said.

"Ensuring that our loved ones know our wishes is important. These two simple steps could one day save lives. "

In 2017, 1675 lives were saved thanks to the generosity of 510 deceased organ donors and their families and 273 living donors.

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