Hair loss, wrinkles, other visible symptoms of inverted aging in mice


Today, aging is one of the biggest concerns for humans. It can not be stopped and brings a series of problems, from gray hair and hair loss to wrinkles and life-threatening diseases.

Many teams around the world are working to reverse the visible process of aging in humans. The answer to the problem is still far from being a reality. However, recently, a team of researchers from the University of Alabama in Birmingham took a big step in this direction – they reversed hair loss and wrinkles in mice.

The group, as noted a statement from the institute, occur after the restoration of the functioning of the mitochondria, which creates 90 percent of the chemical energy used by the cells to survive .

 Mouse [19659005] The mouse in the center The photo shows the skin wrinkles badociated with aging and hair loss after two months of depletion of mitochondrial DNA. This same mouse, right, shows the reversal of wrinkles and hair loss a month later, after resuming the replication of mitochondrial DNA. The mouse on the left is a normal control, for comparison. </span> <span clbad= Photo: UAB

By definition, mitochondria are known as the central cells, but over the years, scientists have noted that its function decreases as it decreases. a person is getting older. This has led many people to think that there could be a connection between tiny cell organelles and the symptoms of aging such as hair loss, wrinkles and other age-related diseases such as the cancer, diabetes and neurological disorders

. the theory, the team decided to test the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in mice. For this, they introduced a genetic mutation in a mouse that led to a decrease in mitochondrial function, just as occurs naturally in aging humans.

During the first four weeks of genetic alteration, mice became lethargic. Her hair became gray and began to fall, which was followed by the appearance of wrinkles on the skin. Although wrinkles resulting from mitochondrial decline were more severe in women, the marks were quite similar to those seen in intrinsic or natural aging or extrinsic aging, due to the impact of an external factor such as as smoking or sun exposure. 19659002] These effects in mice were quite similar to those observed in aging humans, either intrinsic or extrinsic aging. However, when the team turned off the mutation (restoration of mitochondrial decline), everything started to return to normal and in the space of a month, the same subjects had a thick fur, a Smooth skin without wrinkles, like any other healthy mouse.

The work suggests that restoring the declining function of mitochondria may be the key to reversing hair loss, wrinkles and other aging effects in the future.

[19459] [1945902] [19459] [19459] [19459] [1945904]GettyImages-71069532 ” title=””/> New study suggests a genetic mutation could reverse hair loss and wrinkles in mice. In the photo, a lab technician holding a mouse before operating it as part of a stem cell research program at the National Institute of Biological Sciences of Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing , May 26, 2006. Photo: PETER PARKS / AFP / Getty Images

"To our knowledge, this observation is unprecedented," said Keshav Singh, l & 39; one of the researchers involved in the work.

"This mouse model" Singh added, "should provide an unprecedented opportunity for the development of preventive and therapeutic drug development strategies to increase mitochondrial functions for the treatment of cutaneous and capillary pathology badociated with aging and of other human diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction plays an important role. 19659002] The study entitled "Invert wrinkled skin and hair loss in mice by restoring mitochondrial function" was published on July 20 in the journal Nature.

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