How Ethiopia and Kenya Put a World Heritage Site in Danger | News | Environment


Lake Turkana is the largest desert lake in the world. Located in the arid lands of northern Kenya, it is the saltiest of Africa's great lakes, and its vast aquatic resources contribute to the livelihoods of more than 300,000 people, including pastoralists, landowners, and farmers. fishermen and tourist operators.
Its ecology supports a host of local and migratory bird and wildlife populations.

It is also home to unique fossil and archaeological discoveries. In 1973, Sibiloi National Park was created on the northeast shore of the lake to preserve these remarkable discoveries that greatly contributed to our understanding of human evolution. And in 1983 and 1985, the islands in the south and center of the lake were designated as national parks because of their remarkable breeding habitats, especially for the Nile crocodile.

These three national parks were declared World Heritage sites in 1997 for their "geological and fossil record" and "various aquatic and terrestrial habitats".

There are 1,092 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, five of which are in Kenya. Sites are selected for their outstanding cultural value, outstanding natural value, or a combination of both. Once registered, the sites are protected in accordance with local law and international treaties.

It would appear that this status would provide the lake with good protection against major threats. But this is not the case. The lake's national parks are now on the list of "endangered" World Heritage, a result of Ethiopia's developments on the Omo River – which feeds the lake – and Kenya's mismanagement of the parks.

Preserving the Safety of Heritage Sites

193 countries worldwide are party to the World Heritage Convention entered into force in 1975. The aim is to protect outstanding cultural and natural sites and to conserve them for the future generations. Kenya and Ethiopia are States Parties to this Convention

According to the guidelines of the Convention, States Parties are required to submit reports every six years on each of their sites. World Heritage. If a site is threatened, the World Heritage Committee may initiate the agreed process of "reactive monitoring" – an independent mission to review and report on the state of conservation of the site. If the site is deemed unsafe, the mission may recommend that it be placed on the "List of World Heritage in Danger".

If this list is decided, and if the danger can be corrected, the State Party may request the badistance of the World Heritage Fund. But, if the site is irreparably damaged, the Committee may decide to completely remove the site from the list.

Why the lake was placed on the hazard list

The World Heritage Committee first expressed its concerns. years ago. The threats have been identified as Gibe dams and irrigation plantation developments on the Omo River in Ethiopia. More than 80% of the lake's freshwater supplies are provided by the Omo River and these projects therefore affect the lake's ecology.

The Committee requested Ethiopia to suspend the construction of the Gibe III Dam and to submit badessments on the dam development and irrigation plans. Ethiopia and Kenya were invited to share their views and Kenya's report to the Committee shared the same concerns. Over the years – despite annual exchanges between the World Heritage Committee, Kenya and Ethiopia – Ethiopia has not responded to the various requests made by the Committee, continuing projects of without conducting a strategic environmental badessment. The filling of the large Gibe III reservoir was completed in December 2016 and the water requirements and downstream effects of the irrigation systems are still unknown.

Kenya has also been lax. It has not implemented recommendations to combat poaching, illegal fishing and cattle grazing in Lake Turkana National Parks.

In recent years, the committee has expressed regret, notes and requests from both countries, but no decision has been made to address the lake's threats.

At its last session, the committee warned the Gibe III Dam had already severely disrupted seasonal lake patterns, which would have a negative impact on the fish population and the livelihoods of local fishing communities.

As a result, it was stated that the outstanding universal values ​​of Lake Turkana National Parks are in danger and it was decided that the site should be inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Next Steps

The World Heritage Committee has now asked Kenya to invite a reactive monitoring mission to review what has happened and propose a solution to remove Lake Turkana National Parks. of the "List of World Heritage in Danger".

This mission would seek to develop a series of corrective measures in consultation with Kenya and Ethiopia. If this mission takes place, its report will be considered at the 43rd session of the Committee in 2019.

The impact of the intervention might not be very important. Warnings about the effects of Omo River developments were recorded decades ago, yet Gibe III is operational, and the development of Gibe IV Dam and the irrigation system is progressing. The protests have apparently been in vain.

The lake's hydrology has already changed. This means that nutrient inputs and their distribution across the lake have also been affected. Changes in the ecological diversity of the lake will in turn affect lake fisheries.

Nevertheless, the commendable efforts of organizations such as the World Heritage Committee must be maintained. The management of Lake Turkana National Parks can certainly be improved. County governments should be involved, and the World Heritage Fund can potentially help. The whole lake will benefit.

There is still time for Ethiopia to revise its ambitious plans for irrigation development in the lower Omo, admit the impacts and reconsider the value of sacrificing a unique natural capital, and perhaps also restore significant ecological floods in the lake. ] Sean Avery, Certified Consultant in Hydrology and Water Resources, Associate of the Department of Geography, University of Leicester

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.


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