How to take care of hair during pollution


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Use deep conditioners that penetrate deeply into damaged hair, moisturizing and repairing them. (Source: Photo file)

With pollution, it is necessary to be extra careful, as the chances of becoming dull become greater. Make sure you treat it well. Pankaj Chaturvedi, director, senior consultant in dermatology and hair transplant surgeon at MedLinks, lists some steps to get rid of frizzy hair due to pollution.

* Protect yourself, wear a hat: Always wear a hat or headband to protect your hair from damage. If you really can not help being in a very polluted area, cover your hair if you can (or tie it).

* Wash your hair regularly: Fortunately, pollutants are deposited outside the cuticle and can be easily washed. Therefore, in order to reduce the microbial content of the scalp and make it less irritating and prone to flaking, we recommend a regular shampoo. For men, alternate days every day and for women two or three times a week.

* Adapt your hair routine: Hair that has been exposed to excessive air pollution is damaged, feels brittle, and is more likely to break and splinter. Keep this in mind when using the heat of a curling iron or a hair dryer. Minimize the amount of heat you use and always use a heat protection product.

* Add hydration: When in doubt, hydrate yourself. It is a good rule for your health and your hair. Jojoba oil is a good ingredient to look for because it moisturizes and strengthens the natural hydro-lipid layer of the hair, which covers the hair to keep it hydrated.

* Deep Condition: Begin a deep conditioning routine each week. Deep conditioners are used to repair damaged hair, penetrating deep into the hair to moisturize and repair it.

Chiranjiv Chhabra, dermatology director and consultant at Skin Alive Dermatology and Aesthetics, also has some ideas to share:

* Oil your hair regularly and correctly: You must regularly oil your hair as they nourish the scalp, clean the dirt and dead cells. Almond oil is an effective cleanser for hair, keeps hair healthy and facilitates hair growth because it is rich in vitamin E.

* Try one yourself masks for hair

* Ingredients: 1 banana (nourishes and repairs the hair); Whole milk (hydrating); Cocoa powder – 2 teaspoons (moisturizes)

* Step 1 – Peel and cut the banana and put it in the bowl, crush the whole banana with a fork to obtain a fine pulp.
* Step 2 – Add enough whole milk to lighten the banana mixture. Add two teaspoons cocoa powder, mix all the ingredients in the bowl to form a nice smooth dough.
* Step 3 – Apply the mask on dry hair with a dye brush and leave it for 20-30 minutes once a week with a dye brush to get a perfect result.
* Step 4 – Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and let it air dry.

* Use of the appropriate shampoo and conditioner: Always use a shampoo depending on your hair type. If your hair is oily and greasy, you should use oil-free shampoos that will make them less oily. For dry hair, you should always use a moisturizing conditioner or shampoo to protect your hair from frizz.

* Add extra protection to your hair: Keep your scalp well protected in terms of physical protection and food before you leave the house. You can use a serum or sun spray to protect your hair from harmful UV rays and toxins.

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