HTC would pull out of the Indian market – Brinkwire


HTC had a difficult month, making public its layoff of 1,500 employees in its manufacturing facility in Taiwan and experiencing its largest decline in sales in two years. It is reported that the company is pulling out of the Indian market, due to strong competition from the Chinese handset manufacturers

The Economic Times reports that the company's management, which includes several important members of the company 39, company, handed over his resignation documents. The majority of the team, made up of about 70 to 80 members, was invited to leave. The company has a small team to ensure the continuity of daily operations.

The company also terminated all of its distribution agreements in the county and local manufacturing was stopped almost a year ago. However, HTC will not completely withdraw from the country, as it will still market RV devices in the country. At present, the physical activity of HTC's smart phones in the county has stopped, but a company executive said that she would continue to sell her phones online and to provide support.

Source: The Economic Times |

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