In Ethiopia, a quiet revolution


Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki hug each other during their historic meeting in Asmara. Photo: GHIDEON MUSA ARON VISAFRIC / via REUTERS

Cross the southwestern region of Oromia, Ethiopia, to cross the heart of Abiyland. In Jimma, provincial capital, the face of Abiy Ahmed is ubiquitous, from billboards to buses to

The new charismatic prime minister of Ethiopia grew up a short distance away. car. "Abiy is popular all over the country," says Birhanu Bekele, a local scholar. "But he's especially popular with these people."

Abiy took office in April, after months of factional struggles within the Revolutionary Democratic Front Ethiopian People (EPRDF), the ethnic coalition that has ruled without interruption since 1991. [19659003EnsuccédantàHailemariamDesalegnquiadémissionnéenfévrieraprèsprèsdetroisansdemanifestationsanti-gouvernementalespersistantessanominationamarquélepremiertransfertpacifiquedupouvoirentredeuxleadersvivantsdel'histoireéthiopienneAbiyestégalementlepremiercheféthiopienàs&#39identifyastheOromolegroupandhniquetimportantandmissestofcountryCwasapeacefulevolution

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