Indian coal giant Adani to self-finance controversial new mine in Queensland


Indian coal giant Adani will self-finance a controversial new mine in Queensland, creating 1,500 new jobs – and work should begin right away


Australian Associated Press

23:35 EST, November 28, 2018

00:09 EST, November 29, 2018

The Indian resource giant, Adani, will now self-finance its controversial coal mine in Queensland with major works that are to start "in the near future".

Adani Mining 's executive director, Lucas Dow, went on Thursday to Mackay to announce that he had the necessary funds to start his Carmichael mine in the Galilee Basin, in the United States. State.

Last month, the company announced that it was reducing the size and scope of the project, from 60 million tons per year of mega mines from $ 16.5 billion to 10 to 15 million tons more manageable per year. year. It will now cost about $ 2 billion.

Construction of the mine will create about 1,500 jobs, while hundreds of other people will be employed once it is built.

The mine was controversial and environmental activists deferred approval by holding a series of demonstrations.

The Greens are also opposed to the project while the Queensland Labor Government has provided qualified support, saying it would not grant any taxpayer subsidies.

The mining giant Adani will now self-finance its controversial coal mine project in Queensland and major works will begin "imminently"

The mining giant Adani will now self-finance its controversial coal mine project in Queensland and major works will begin "imminently"

The mining giant Adani will now self-finance its controversial coal mine project in Queensland and major works will begin "imminently"


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