Is this Ghost In The Marvel Comics? The villain's Ant-Man And The Wasp is super mysterious


In the following of 2015 Ant-Man, the new film Ant-Man and the Wasp the villain is Ghost, aka Ava. But if you're looking for Ghost in a Marvel comic with Ant-Man, you will not find it, and the reason is twofold. First and foremost, Ghost finds its origin in comic books on Iron Man. And secondly, even if you look at the Iron Man comics (or the Thunderbolts comics, where Ghost is also included), you will not see the name Ava, because Ghost is a man, whose alter ego remains without name. Yeah, not only Ant-Man and Wasp give a name to Ghost and solve other mysteries about the character, but also the genre swaps the role, a big but surprising move since the genre was one of the few things that fans knew of Ghost.

Yet, in reality, the decision to make Ghost a woman happened because so little is known about the character. "The character of Ghost could be a man, a woman, anything, so it seemed more interesting to us [to cast a woman]," said Peyton Reed at Entertainment Weekly .

In the film, Ghost is played by the English actor Hannah John-Kamen ( Ready Player One Black Mirror ). During a scheduled visit in the summer of 2017, John-Kamen had to remain silent about her role when she spoke to reporters, but, as Bustle reported, she commented that she plays a character who has always been a man in comics.

"Obviously in this modern way, in the modern world, changing character and having a female character is really, really cool and definitely avant-garde," said John-Kamen. "You look at graphic novels, you look at comics written so long ago, and they're about 50 or 40 years old, and it's fine to say," Do you know what? "It's a modern world." It's liberating to be able to take that character and go, "Yeah, that can be played by a man or a woman."

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In addition to Ghost now being a woman, another important way of the movie version is different from the original is, as mentioned above, that in the beginnings of Ghost cartoon was like a nasty Iron Man. More specifically, Ghost was introduced in Iron Man # 219, published in 1987. But, the comic universe of Marvel is all that suits, which means that Ghost is introduced in Ant-Man and the Wasp and viewers will have to wait and see how everything connects.

Also, it seems that the origins of Ghost are very different in the comics compared to the new film. In comics, Ghost has created the technology that leads to its invisibility and intangibility. According to Comicsverse, Ghost is one of the best hackers in the Marvel Universe, "devotes his life to reversing corporate greed" and "is the perfect tool for spying on companies and getting information precious. "

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in Ant-Man and the Wasp Ghost stole technology for his costume and abilities from scientist Hank Pym, the father of Wasp / Hope van Dyne. As Luis (Michael Peña) said in one of the film's movie trailers, "Dr. Pym, I've really heard what happened to you, you've opened up the quantum field, c & rsquo; Is this crazy and scary ghost who walks through the walls and she stole your technology, now she wants to conquer the world or whatever. (Fans can probably badume that the "or what" will be explained in the film.)

And then there's the costume, which executive producer Stephen Broussard called "a fairly conventional modernization," according to Coming Soon. "When you think of Ghost, you think about the hood," he said. he says, "You think of the white suit and all that and Hannah is wearing it very well, she's awesome, she's really, really badbad."

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Although the Ant-Man and the Wasp Ghost will have some differences with that of the comic book, there was beautiful shot of things to create and play as there was a small amount of information on Ghost in the first place. John-Kamen found it "very liberating," according to Collider. "I think that with any role, it's always a white slate to carve anything," said the actor during the visit. Summer 2017. "Whether you're playing a superhero, a villain, anything from any comic book, I think it's important as an actor." 39, have your own contribution, the interpretation of that anyway, and it was great to work with Peyton "

On July 6, MCU fans will discover all we can learn about Ghost and how John-Kamen endorses the character.

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