Jamaica could beat 2016 medal at U20 Worlds | Sports


FOR the next six days starting today, some of the country's best junior athletes will showcase their talents internationally while the IAAF World Under-20 Championships will take place in Tampere, Finland. More than 2,000 athletes and officials from more than 180 countries will be attending this edition which is the 16th.

Two years ago, there were eight medals for Jamaica, with two women's gold medals, Tiffany James and Jaheel Hyde, Intermediate Hurdler, has won two consecutive victories after winning two victories in Eugene (Oregon)

after spectacular performances at the ISIL Boys and Girls Athletics Championships / GraceKennedy (Fields). In March, the expectations were very high, because with this momentum, the chances were that Jamaica could have its best medal harvest at these championships

This momentum continued at Carifta Games and Penn Relays, but after, things slowed down A little lower, it was evident at the JAAA Senior and Junior National Athletics Championships in June, where many of the top athletes were absent, while many were out of shape. The two medals of Edwin Allen High, Kevona Davis and Rhodes Hall High, Rovane Williams, are not in Finland, while several others, including Antonio Watson of Petersfield High and Cherokee Young of Hydel High, are also absent.

of some of the nation's best athletes, the odds are that the country should do very well once again, and on July 15, hopefully, the Jamaica team could leave Finland with a maximum of nine medals. What is good this time is that the team arrived in Finland several days before the competition, which would have given them enough time to overcome the problems of jet lag.

Most medals should come from the Christopher Taylor men's team. Taylor should easily catch up with his disappointment two years ago when an injury derailed him and he failed to come out of the semifinal of the test. a lap. He has been in a sparkling form this season, breaking record breaking records, and with a best career result of 44.88 seconds he looks like a gold medal in the 400m , dominated this season by the Jamaicans

EYEING TWO MEDALS [19659008] Dashawn Morris of Kingston College, twice with 45.09 seconds, with Chantz Sawyers 45.40 and Anthony Carpenter, 45.47, are among the top eight . If Morris can get closer to his championship form, Jamaica could leave with two medals. The Nigerian Emmanuel Bamidele, with a record of 45.28 seconds, seems to be the only threat outside the Jamaican for a medal.

Young Briana Williams will be the country's best prospect for an individual medal for women as she will compete. the sprints 100 and 200m. With a personal best of 11.13 seconds, she hopes to give her first gold medal to the country since Veronica Campbell-Brown made it in 2000. Her clash with Twanisha Terry of the United States will be the # 1 39, one of the highlights of the tournament. Championships, while Terry, with a personal best of 10.99 seconds, will start the favorite, but his very busy scheduled at the recent NCAA championship could have hurt him, and this could be a great opportunity for Williams to overtake.

With a personal best time of 23.11 seconds, Williams is the fifth ranked athlete in the 200m, and despite

the quality of the field, where four athletes have less than 23 seconds

his 100m performance could be s & # Ignite her and see her finish among the medals.

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