John Chu develops the second Thai cave rescue film – / Movie


It's an inspiring story for Hollywood: 12 brave young players trapped in a flooded cave for two weeks, fearless life-saving rescuers to save the team, a wave of support from dozens of country that the world looked forward to breath for rescuers to come out victorious with wild boars in hand. And then the miracle: they went out.

Of course, Hollywood already has 10 lengths ahead of us. It was only a few days after the wild boars were rescued that a Thai cave rescue movie was announced to be in development. And only a day later, a second movie has been announced – but this one promises to get around this dreaded Hollywood trend: bleaching.

Hollywood loves a good, old-fashioned story – but one thing she might like even more is a savior in the middle of this story. Now, there is no guarantee that Pure Flix, the production company that first announced that it was watching the rights of the film, would whiten the film, but given its list of films faith-based as God's Not Dead and God did not die 2 it is very likely that they do it.

Concerns about the laundering of lime became so strong that the director John M. Chu decided to take matters into his own hands. "I refuse to let Hollywood #whitewashout the Thai Cave rescue story! In any way. Not on our watch. This will not happen or we will give them hell," tweeted Chu, adding that Is "a beautiful story" about human beings saving other human beings

"So whoever thinks of history, approaches better and respects". he added.

I refuse to let Hollywood #whitewashout the story of Thai Cave's rescue! No way. Not on our watch. That will not happen or we will give them hell. There is a beautiful story about human beings who save other human beings. So everyone who thinks of the story must approach it properly and respectfully.

– Jon M. Chu (@jonmchu) 11 July 2018

Now, Chu is attached to directing a film under Ivanhoe Pictures based on the news story that has attracted the world's attention, Deadline reports. The chairman of Ivanhoe Pictures, John Penotti, announced that they were in negotiations with the Navy and the Thai government to develop the film.

The film company says they are currently in talks with "senior officials in Thailand at the provincial and national levels". "Several studios that have shown interest in this project."

The news comes one day after Michael Scott, CEO of Pure Flix and Managing Partner, announced that his studio was working on a dramatic adaptation of the events surrounding the Thai football team trapped and their 25-year-old coach

The films of Chu and Pure Flix will be based on the rescue of 12 young Thai footballers and their 25-year-old coach who were trapped in a troglodyte complex near the Myanmar border. After 18 days, members of the Thai Navy, government officials and countless private companies orchestrated a rescue that saved each of the trapped football players and their coach.

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