Katara Hospitality, AccorHotels creates a $ 1 billion investment fund


Katara Hospitality, the hotel industry of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, and AccorHotels, world leader in travel and lifestyle and digital innovator, have created an investment fund with a targeted investment capacity of more than $ 1 billion The fund includes up to $ 500 million in equity, of which Katara Hospitality and AccorHotels will contribute up to $ 350 million and $ 150 million over the next 5 to 7 years respectively, with additional financing obtained through leverage. With this initiative, Katara Hospitality and AccorHotels aim to create a sustainable hospitality fund dedicated to Africa, providing support for job creation, training, skills transfer, training and learning. local supply chain and to the communities of the region. in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The fund would target entirely new projects, brownfield projects and hotel acquisition conversions in a region that offers strong growth opportunities. Forty or so hotels (approximately 9,000 rooms) would cover all of the internationally acclaimed AccorHotels brands, from the economy to luxury, including residences.
The announcement was made at a signing ceremony between Katara Hospitality and AccorHotels. Nawaf bin Jbadim Bin Jabor al-Thani, President of Katara Hospitality; and Sébastien Bazin, President and CEO of AccorHotels.
Sheikh Nawaf said that it is obvious lately that the hotel industry in sub-Saharan Africa has made great progress and is following the latest positive developments between Qatar and sub-Saharan Africa. -saharienne for "We see this fund as a great way to leverage these attractive markets by partnering with AccorHotels, which provides brands and international hotel operations with strong capabilities," he said, adding "We identify strategic investment opportunities in other markets; and we continually optimize our international investments to achieve the best return while preserving our economic future. "
Bazin stated that through this fund, Katara Hospitality and AccorHotels would combine expertise to accelerate dynamic growth in the sub-Saharan region." Through this initiative, we demonstrate our common intention to support sustainable development in long term on this continent, "he added.

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