Kate Beckinsale in confusion with Kate Middleton after breaking an ovarian cyst


Kate Beckinsale had a royal surprise after announcing the news of her broken ovarian cyst, which had forced the actress to be hospitalized.

The Underworld star was admitted to the hospital for treatment and shared her progress on social media, but she was then surprised.

While the media was aware of the plight of the 45-year-old girl, she discovered that a major American website had accidentally published an article about it, in which Kate had been replaced by a photo of Kate Middleton, the 37 year old Duchess of Cambridge. .

Kate Beckinsale saw the fun side of this misstep

Beckinsale saw the fun side and adopted his new role in life with a fun account on Instagram.

Sharing a screenshot of the confusion over USA Today, Kate revealed to her 2.5 million followers: "So moved and touched by all the kind wishes I've received in recent days and stunned by the similar and worse stories of my #cysters sent me.

"I feel much better and hope that all the other girls who are under it are too, back to resume my royal duties, William says hello."

Kate Beckinsale appreciated her comparison with Kate Middleton

This message sparked a lot of joy among his supporters, who took part in the royal ceremony at the expense of the new American site.

Kate's famous friends also resisted, and Modern Family star Sarah Hyland commented, "Tell Meghan I say hello!"

Hollywood actress Rose McGowan quickly followed the scripture: "You made us proud, duchess."

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Of course, there was a lot of embarrbadment and blush on all faces at USA Today, who apologized in his comments.

They wrote: "First of all, we are happy to hear that you feel much better, and we apologize for the image badociated with this story.

"It seems that our system has shot the first image of the photo gallery at the bottom of the story, instead of the image of you that we have inserted into the story.

"It turns out that the main photo of the gallery is that of Duchess Kate, we regret the mistake and we are working to make sure it does not happen again."

Kate Beckinsale was left in agony on Saturday after the rupture of an ovarian cyst

Kate spent several hours at the hospital before receiving her leave

It was a moment of slight relief for Kate, after suffering the painful breakup of the weekend.

She shared pictures of a hospital bed, was admitted soon after and said that she was very uncomfortable.

Kate captions a selfie of her in bed: "A ripped ovarian cyst really hurts and morphine makes me cry.

"So grateful to all who took care of me."

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