A radiological review of the Iceman showed that he had completely full stomach when he died. He had a last balanced dinner, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats – perfect for trekking at high altitude, according to the study.
The study showed a remarkably high proportion of fat in its diet, as well as wild meat, cereals and traces of toxic ferns. Frank Maixner, lead author and microbiologist at the Institute for Mummy Studies in Italy, said the meat was probably uncooked and dried.
Maixner said that they were lucky that much of what was in Otzi 's stomach was preserved. see that the content was about 40% fat.
"I think it's a fascinating discovery," he said. "The pure fascination of what remains, what you can still recognize."
The study says that although researchers have examined major dietary changes during the Neolithic period before, this study may be the first to provide insight into how and what Justyna Miszkiewicz, professor of biological anthropology at the Australian National University, said that it is really rare that a set of human remains is so well preserved that scientists can extract biomolecules from its stomach
. the discoveries are of great importance for studying humanity's past because they make it clear that the Iceman made good use of fats, meat and cereals in a cold environment and high altitude – evidence of the adaptability of the human species, "she said.
She added that the study also shows just how much has advanced in terms of scientific approaches to the study of ancient people.
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