Market Assessment Report for Gedeo and Guji Area (9-20 2018) – Ethiopia



With more than 822,000 internally displaced persons in the SNNPR and approximately 189,000 in the Guji area, the needs are numerous and require urgent / immediate humanitarian badistance that affects all sectors. The markets are functioning and integrating well with the Addis Ababa market and goods imported from the trade routes of Kenya and Somalia and via the port of Djibouti.

In the majority of areas badessed, cash intervention is possible, acceptable and a preferred aid modality. transfer to these displaced people who is also supported by the government at different levels. IDPs use markets for various products such as vegetables, firewood, kerosene, etc.

Market access and availability of non-food items, housing, washing and food in most badessed markets, willingness of suppliers to meet demand a good amount of inventory and an ability to increase inventories, Acceptable prices and a monetary economy determine the feasibility of the cash intervention. Unless specific market systems are put in place, the cash intervention is not the most viable option for IDPs living on IDP Habala Wamena's site due to the distance from the market and insecurity. Fresh foods, dry corn and beans are available in quantity and quality in markets such as Shashamane, Hawbada, Dilla and Bule Hora. These sellers have the money and trucks to stock up on extra food and deliver to the identified sites.

As of July 24, 2018, the NDRMC has shipped 7,553 quintals of grain, 1,548 quintals of CSB and 227 quintals of oil (100% allocation) to 50,352 beneficiaries in Woreda Woreda and distribution is in progress. The NDRMC also sent 16,133 quintals of cereals, 2,105 quintals of CSB and 400 quintals of oil to 175,352 displaced people in the Yirgachefe woreda. The JEOP project sent emergency food aid to 634,124 people in the remaining five woredas of the Gedeo area (Bule, Gedeb, Kochere, Dilla Zuria woredas and Dilla town). The NDRMC shipped and distributed 19,922 quintals of cereals, 4,050 quintals of CSB and 807 quintals of oil in six woredas in the West Guji area, benefiting 184,938 displaced persons in the second round. The JEOP project plans to bring emergency food aid to the West Guji area from the third round. At the same time, the creation of Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) in the Gedeo and West Guji areas strengthens the coordination and prioritization of interventions. EOCs have improved the joint badessment of needs, available resources and gaps. Although the response of IDPs has shown a gradual improvement, more funds are being allocated to meet growing food and non-food needs in both areas.

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