Metal Movie Solid Director confirms the script is complete


  • – on [16 juillet 2018] July 16, 2018
  • in Movie News

The Adaptation Metal Gear Solid officially has a script, according to the director Jordan Vogt-Roberts. Serving a sequel to MSX2 video games, Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Metal Gear Solid is a stealth action-adventure game developed by Konami and released on the PlayStation in 1998. Since then, Hollywood is eager to bring the franchise to the big screen, with the author / director / game producer, Hideo Kojima, revealing to E3 in 2006 that & # 039; He had signed a contract to adapt the game into a film. In 2007, Sony announced that they would be involved, which brought Michael De Luca aboard in 2008.

After a scenario of the former doubled Solid Snake, David Hayter, was rejected, many rumors were attached to the film. At one point, Kurt Wimmer, director of Ultraviolet and Equilibrium was in talks to lead and Christian Bale would have expressed his interest in the role. Production however stagnated in 2010, with De Luca citing a lack of coordinated will and the protection of video game companies on their properties as reasons. The project was finally revived in 2012, as part of a collaboration between Kojima Productions and Columbia Pictures, with the production of Avi Arad. In 2014, it was revealed that Sony wanted to run Vogt-Roberts.

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Speaking of IGN Vogt-Roberts Revealed Along The expected adaptation was a step closer in achieving, with a script for the movie that has just been rendered. When asked if Metal Gear Solid was happening and he was doing it, the director had this to say:

"Ah, we just turned the script … and I think it's one of the best scripts I've ever read, it's one of the coolest, weirdest, most Kojima things. " one who was, like, I would bring this movie out of his hell But if I was not involved, then I would always look at this script and be like a saint! *** "

Previously described as" Chomping at the bit "to make a film Metal Gear Solid Vogt-Roberts has a clear pbadion for the project will undoubtedly please the fans who I expect with so many d & rsquo; Looking forward to this adaptation for 30 years. The fact that such announcements come out in the anniversary week of the original games demonstrates that after a decade of hellish development, even if only from a marketing point of view, it can actually be between good hands and do it to select this time – and Like more than one edited video of a sloppy hilarious flight.

Vogt Roberts also revealed how much video games have influenced him and continue to influence his film choices. The adaptations of the video game have, until now, not been well done in translation, with everything that has happened from Mario Bros. to Street Fighter receiving an almost universal mockery. Although the likes of Resident Evil were performing well enough to at least receive several sequels, they still have not reached the peaks of success or acclaim for video games. Vogt-Roberts did not show himself too confident to be the only one to break the curse, but being a player for life will surely be an badet to this ambition, especially when it comes to translating the game. immersive action of the game in a more pbadive vision experience. of movie. It's easy to see why Hideo Kojima offered his blessing.

As proof, Snowpiercer and Edge of Tomorrow Vogt-Roberts think that a video game adaptation may work. Although these two examples are not game adaptations, some of them may be directly related to games. When you add to the mix [4909010] Scott Pilgrim vs. The World which operates almost entirely through the logic of the video game, it is even harder to disagree with his belief. It remains to be seen if Vogt-Roberts can translate the same success into real adaptation. There is still a long way to go, with no mention of a start date of production or casting. Working from a script of Jay Basu and Derek Connolly, with whom he previously collaborated on Kong: Skull Island, however, Vogt-Roberts certainly offered a lot to keep hope fans of Metal Gear

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Source: IGN

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