Mom urges people to wear shoes at the beach after the son has parasites on his feet


(Photo: Kelli Mulhollen Dumas / Facebook)

When you're at the beach, you do not think to pests

But you should probably, especially if you are left with bites or bumps. Kelli Mulhollen Dumas was not alarmed when his 17-year-old son Michael came home with pink marks on his feet.

After arriving home from a trip to Florida, United States, Michael had some bumps that then spread into a red and itchy rash. But when they discovered that the culprit was a migrating cutaneous larva, the families were worried.

The disease can cause an unpleasant creeping rash, an infection of the skin that causes severe itching, blisters and red growth, reckless winding. It usually appears on areas of the body that have been exposed to contaminated soil.

(Image: Kelli Mulhollen Dumas / Facebook)
(Photos: Kelli Mulhollen Dumas / Facebook)

Michael had posed for photos while he was buried in the sand.

"Michael was at Pompano Beach in June and we continue to fight him," she told

"Their mission group contained 17 people.In the group, seven contracted hookworms.

" Do not go to the beach without closed-toed shoes on your feet. "My son is very ill and will have permanent scars.He can not put dressings on his wounds.He must take a bath in bleach every day to help prevent the infection.He must heal his wounds three times a day. "

" We had another appointment with our dermatologist two days ago, we have to go every Friday until his wounds heal and that means months. "

Kelli also revealed that his daughter was getting married next month and that Michael was worried because he was still unable to wear shoes or socks.

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