New case of confirmed rabies in Sarawak | Malaysia


A dog suspected of having rabies receives a sedative from January 3, 2018 from Sarawak's Department of Public Health in Kuching. - Photo of Bernama
A dog suspected of having rabies receives a sedative from January 3, 2018 from Sarawak's Department of Public Health in Kuching. – Photo of Bernama

KUCHING, Nov. 28 – A new case of rabies infection in humans was confirmed yesterday, bringing to 14 the number of cases of rabies reported in Sarawak since the outbreak of the disease in the US. state on June 30th.

The Ministry of Health, in a statement today, said the latest confirmed case of rabies was a 21-year-old man from Batu 7 here.

"The patient was bitten by a stray dog ​​on October 4th. The vaccination status of the dog and his state of health are unknown.

"The man is undergoing treatment and is closely monitored by clinical experts at the Sarawak General Hospital.

The checks revealed that he had symptoms of hydrophobia, aerophobia and confusion, "he said.

Of the 14 human rabies infections occurring in humans, 12 have died, one case of neurological complications treated at home and the last case being treated.

Until 25 November, the Sarawak government had declared that 54 regions in 11 divisions were affected by rabies. Only Limbang is still free from rabies in animals. – Bernama

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