Not only Priyanka Chopra, here are five other Bollywood stars who have rescued films at the last minute


Priyanka Chopra suddenly escaped from the visit of Salman Khan Bharat . Although no official reason has yet been declared, most people believe it's because she's secretly engaged to the handsome Nick Jonas. In fact, the director of Bharat Ali Abbas Zafar gave us all the indications we needed with his official announcement of the release of Priyanka, where he said "Yes Priyanka Chopra is no longer part of @ Bharat_TheFilm & and the reason is very special, she told us in the Nick of the time of her decision and we are very happy for her … Team Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love and happiness for life " .

But whatever it may be, reports have shown that Salman is not really happy with Priyanka's decision, and although we do not blame him completely, there could be several reasons that push an actor to leave a movie

So, here are 6 Bollywood stars, from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan to Kareena Kapoor Khan, who left their films for compelling reasons or otherwise –

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