Ongoing preparations to organize a conference on national consensus, reconciliation


The Ethiopian National Consensus Committee includes all preparations to hold a national conference in Addis Ababa before the end of August. The purpose of the conference is to bring national consensus and reconciliation with the presence of the ruling party and other stakeholders.

The committee announced its plan at a press conference held at the Ras hotel on Monday, July 09, 2018. The plan was revealed by the leaders of the five political parties who are the representatives of the local international committee.

This committee was established in the United States four months ago and includes civic and right-wing organizations, eminent personalities from exile and five registered political parties in Ethiopia. The members of the political parties of this international committee are: the Ethiopian Union Party (AEUP), the Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP), the Blue Party (blue), the Ethiopian Raey Party (ERaP), and the United Arab Emirates. Popular Democratic Union of Omo (OPDU).

The committee stated that national consensus and reconciliation is the only solution to the multidimensional problems that the country is witnessing. Therefore, all stakeholders must be prepared to participate in the next national conference, which aims to chart a roadmap on how to achieve national consensus and reconciliation.

The committee also stated that current developments in relation to consensus, love and forgiveness are inclusive and the necessary condition for achieving national consensus and reconciliation.

In addition, the Committee calls on all stakeholders, including the ruling party, all political parties, religious institutions and leaders, different civil societies and organizations, professional badociations, academics, eminent and former personalities of society to to convene, participate and contribute their own contribution to the realization of national consensus and reconciliation in the country.

In addition, the committee also invited community and international civic organizations to take part in the next conference. [19659008] [ad_2]
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