Our experts choose their ups and downs


The greatest disappointment

I had been Germany up to the bizarre performance of Spain in 16 against Russia.

Tournament Team

(4-3-3): Trippier, Varane, Mina, Hernandez; De Bruyne, Kante, Modric; Mbappe, Cavani, Hazard.

2022 Predicts winner


Jim White

Match of the tournament

France 4 Argentina 2, the match in which the French finally, after a frustrating and inconclusive group stage, demonstrated the extraordinary depth of their offensive talent. .

Tournament Player

Kylian Mbappe. His race against Argentina, picking up the ball in his own half and stopping only when Marcos Rojo locked him in the box, was the most electrifying thing that I've seen on a football field for years.

Tournament Coach [19659004] Zlatko Dalic. He took control of a freefall Croatia less than ten months ago, in October 2017. Since then, with calm, rational and under-stated leadership, he has guided his country towards the final of the World Cup

Pavard's equalizer for France against Argentina, the most beautiful half-volley ever seen.

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