Parliament approved appointments of commission members


Ethiopian Parliament _Census
Ethiopian Parliament

November 27, 1818

The Ethiopian House of Representatives today approved the members of the Census Commission. The members were proposed by the Prime Minister's Office and are mainly chosen from the members of his cabinet.

According to a report by Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC), eleven members are appointed to the commission.

The commission is composed of Muferiat Kamil (Minister of Peace), Ahmed Shide (Minister of Finance), Omar Hbaden (Minister of Agriculture), Dagmawit Moges (Minister of Transport), Amin Aman (Minister of Health) , Fitusm Assefa (Planning Commission Commissioner), Shimeles Abdissa (Prime Minister's Office), Jantirar Abay (Minister of Urban Development and Construction), Yalem Tsegay (Minister of Women, Youth and Children), Temesgen Burka (Coordinator of Democratic Institution Building) and Keria Ibrahim (President of the House of the Federation)

Some activists demand that the next census be postponed again on the grounds that this could aggravate instability in the country from the point of view of a radicalization of ethno-nationalism, which could provoke controversy , or even a conflict, on the outcome of the census.

It has been postponed twice in the past.

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