PBS's New Food Series Highlights Immigrants' Contributions to New Orleans


Marcus Samuelsson is a famous chef with restaurants around the world. He is also an immigrant to America, born in Ethiopia and raised in Sweden. In his new PBS series "No Pbadport Required", he celebrates the contributions of immigrants to the United States.

"We came to this country and we want to add value and contribute," said Samuelsson

. , which airs Tuesdays at 8 pm, Samuelsson visits immigrant communities to eat with them and learn from them. For the second episode, which took place on July 17th, Samuelsson visited New Orleans and spent time with local Vietnamese residents.

Samuelsson had already been to New Orleans. When he decided to shoot an episode here, he went to see his friend Leah Chase for advice. Chase told him to focus on the Vietnamese community.

In the episode, he spends time with the owners of Ramen Kin's restaurant, the Manchu wing store and Cynthia Nguyen, the first member of the Vietnamese city council of New Orleans. Samuelsson pondered how to approach the people he met so that he could learn as much as possible.

"It's about being humble and not coming in as if you knew everything, because I do not know it. In future episodes, Samuelsson will visit the Mexican population of Chicago, the Haitian immigrants from Miami and the Ethiopian community of Washington DC

"No Pbadports Required" was produced by the food website Eater for PBS. Locally, the show airs on WYES


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