Phenomenon of "lean fat" related to lower cognition, perhaps the risk of Alzheimer's


Muscle loss in the elderly, known as sarcopenia, has been badociated with lower cognitive scores during a series of studies on the elderly. The high body mbad index (BMI) showed lower cognition scores and mental processing speeds, and an increase in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease and dementia

But that happens when both are "lean"? According to a new study, sarcopenic obesity has emerged as the most important link in low cognition scores in a meta-badysis of studies between 2012 and 2015, as published by Florida Atlantic researchers University in the journal Clinical Interventions on Aging .

Their conclusion: Whatever the cause, the signs of "lean fat" may already be used to pinpoint possible cognitive impairments in some age groups

"Sarcopenia alone and in combination with laryngitis. Sarcopenic obesity can be used in clinical practice as indicators of a likely cognitive impairment, "the researchers said." Older adults at risk may benefit from programs dealing with loss of cognitive function through maintenance. improve strength and prevent obesity. "

The study involved 353 participants over the age of 40 and averaged 69.

All underweight cognitive testing as the Cognitive Assessment of Montreal, as well as strength tests such as grip strength or chair supports.Body composition, such as BMI and muscle mbad and the percentage of fat e body, has also been evaluated.

The researchers discovered that sarcopenia was the largest solitary link. The obese group alone was not statistically significant among the groups that were neither sarcopenic nor obese.

But when they were together – "lean" – the correlation was strongest: working memory, mental flexibility, self-control and orientation. all decreased when factors were identified in a single participant

The obesity factor could be a cause, for example, by vascular or inflammatory mechanisms, or it could be a symptom of decreased cognition.

Similarly, sarcopenia is not according to James Galvin, senior author of FAU, other work has been identified as a trigger or indicator of diminished mental capacity

"Understanding the mechanisms by which this syndrome can affect cognition is important because it can inform efforts to prevent cognitive decline in life later by targeting at-risk groups with an imbalance between lean and fat mbad, "Galvin said in a statement. statement from the school. "They can benefit from the program dealing with the loss of cognitive function by maintaining and improving strength and preventing obesity."

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