PM appoints Merera Gudina to the EBC Board of Directors


<img alt = "EBC-Council-Merera-Gudina" src = "" style = "float: on the left; Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has appointed one of the opposition leaders, Dr. Merera Gudina, President of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), as a member of the Ethiopian Broadcasting Council. Corporation

According to the journalist, in a letter signed on Thursday, July 6, 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appointed four members to the board of directors of the state-owned broadcasting company, including Merera Gudina.

also appointed eight people to the office of the Ethiopian Press Agency, including Daniel Kibret, renowned personality.

The House of Peoples' Representatives approved the appointments for the EBC and postponed the appointment of the 39 news agency for next session report

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